2.1 Prerequisites

Ensure that the following prerequisites have been met before continuing:

  • Before using CA Service Desk Connector, ensure that CA Service Desk 11, 12, 14, or 17 is installed and configured.

  • As a prerequisite to installing the CASD Adapter, Oracle Java Development Kit (JDK) must be installed on the system where the CASD Adapter is being installed, and the system must be one of the following platforms:

    • Microsoft Windows

    • Oracle Solaris

    • Linux

  • You must set up an account in the CASD system to access the CASD API. The CASD adapter must use the account exclusively, and the account must have permission to create, update, and retrieve ticket (incident) information.

  • The connectivity between the adapter and CASD is HTTP. The connectivity between the Enterprise Manager and the adapter can be HTTP or HTTPS.

  • Verify that the connector is available in Enterprise Manager or available for download from the Self Update feature.

    The latest version of the CASD connectors come pre-installed and do not need to be downloaded through Self Update. If the connector you wish to install is not pre-installed, the My Oracle Support (MOS) Preferred Credentials must be set to enable the download of connectors through Self Update. To determine whether the connector needs to be downloaded from self update, perform the following steps:

    1. From the Setup menu, select Extensibility, then select Self Update.

    2. On the Self Update page, select Management Connector to display a list of available connectors.

    3. If the CASD connector that you need is not listed here you will need to set up My Oracle Support (MOS) Preferred Credentials as described below.

  • My Oracle Support Preferred Credentials must be set. To set the credentials, perform the following steps:


    These My Oracle Support credentials are required when there is an internet connection between your Enterprise Manager installation and the Oracle Management Service (OMS). If there is no connection, see Installing the Connector if Enterprise Manager is in "Offline" Mode for details.

    1. From the Enterprise Manager console Setup menu, select My Oracle Support, then Set Credentials.

    2. Enter the user name and password information, then click Apply.