Recurrence Pattern Properties Tab

Enter a start on date and end on date. End on date is optional.

Optionally select a recurrence pattern of every specified number of days or hours or daily, weekly, or monthly. Also select days of the week to exclude. All days cannot be excluded.

Selecting daily, weekly, monthly will follow the start on date. Daily is 24 hours based on start on time, weekly is every 7 days, and monthly every 30 days. Monthly means that the schedule will be repeated on the same day as the start on date every month (e.g. March 5 is selected as a start on date so the reoccurrence process will run on the 5th of every month). If the start on date for monthly is not present in a given month (e.g. 31st) the process will not run for those months with fewer than 31 days.

Select to send this email to users multiple times with each recurrence. By default all users will only receive this email once.

See also

Email Information Properties Tab

HTML Body Contents Properties Tab

Text Body Contents Properties Tab