Vanity URL

The Vanity URL tab allows you to set the attributes for the current vanity URL.

Active:  Select or deselect this checkbox to activate or deactivate the vanity URL.  Inactive vanity URLs will not be available for use.

Vanity URL Code:  This text entry field containst the code for the vanity URL.

Redirect URL:  This text entry field contains the context sensitive (they do not contain the "" portion of the URL) redirect path for the URL.  This field is required.

Redirect Report Label:  This text entry field contains the label that will be used on the redirect report for this URL.

Start Date:  This is the date that the URL will first become available.  An empty start date means the URL is available immediately.

End Date:  This is the last date the URL will be available.  An empty end date means the URL will be available until cancelled by hand.