2 Installing Oracle GoldenGate

Installing Oracle GoldenGate installs all of the components that are required to run and manage the processing (excluding any components required from other vendors, such as drivers or libraries) and it installs the Oracle GoldenGate utilities.

These instructions are for installing Oracle GoldenGate for the first time. Additionally, they are for downloading the base release of a new version of Oracle GoldenGate.

To download and install subsequent patches to the base release, go to the Patches and Updates tab of My Oracle Support at:


To upgrade Oracle GoldenGate from one version to another, follow the upgrade instructions at:


2.2 Understanding and Obtaining the Oracle GoldenGate Distribution

For complete information about how to obtain Oracle Fusion Middleware software, see "Understanding and Obtaining Product Distributions" in Planning an Installation of Oracle Fusion Middleware.

To download the Oracle WebLogic Server and Coherence software for development or evaluation, see the following location on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN):


For more information about locating and downloading Oracle Fusion Middleware products, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Download, Installation, and Configuration Readme Files on OTN.

To obtain Oracle GoldenGate follow these steps:

  1. Go to Oracle Technology Network.

  2. Find the Oracle GoldenGate 12c ( release and download the ZIP file onto your system.

2.3 Setting Library Paths for Dynamic Builds on UNIX

Oracle GoldenGate uses shared libraries. When you install Oracle GoldenGate on a UNIX system, the following must be true before you run GGSCI or any other Oracle GoldenGate process.

  1. Make certain that the database libraries are added to the shared-library environment variables of the system. This procedure is usually performed at database installation time. Consult your Database Administrator if you have any questions.

  2. If you will be running an Oracle GoldenGate program from outside the Oracle GoldenGate installation directory on a UNIX system:

    • (Optional) Add the Oracle GoldenGate installation directory to the PATH environment variable.

    • (Required) Add the Oracle GoldenGate installation directory to the shared-libraries environment variable.

For example, given an Oracle GoldenGate installation directory of /users/ogg, the second command in the following example requires these variables to be set:

Table 2-1 Environment Variables

Command Requires libraries in environment variable?

$ users/ogg > ./ggsci


$ users > ./ogg/ggsci


To Set the Variables in Korn Shell

export PATH
export shared_libraries_variable

To Set the Variables in Bourne Shell

export PATH=installation_directory:$PATH
export shared_libraries_variable=absolute_path_of_installation_directory:$shared_libraries_variable

To Set the Variables in C Shell

setenv PATH installation_directory:$PATH
setenv shared_libraries_variable absolute_path_of_installation_directory:$shared_libraries_variable

Where shared libraries variable is one of the variables shown in Table 2-1:

Table 2-2 UNIX/Linux Library Path Variables Per Platform

Platform Environment variable





Sun Solaris



Footnote 1 In 64-bit environments with 32-bit Oracle databases, Oracle GoldenGate requires the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the 32-bit Oracle libraries.

The following is an example of how to set the path in Bourne shell:



To view the libraries that are required by an Oracle GoldenGate process, use the ldd goldengate_process shell command before starting the process. This command also shows an error message for any that are missing.

2.4 Preparing to Install Oracle GoldenGate Within a Cluster

This topic covers the installation requirements that apply when Oracle GoldenGate will be installed in a cluster environment. Oracle GoldenGate can be used with any cluster-management solution that has the ability to automate failover.

The best practice is the install Oracle GoldenGate entirely on shared storage. This allows you to start the Oracle GoldenGate processes from any of the nodes without having to make changes to the parameter files. If the active node fails, the processes can be started quickly on another node, using the processing checkpoints that are preserved in the installation directory.

If you decide to install the Oracle GoldenGate binaries and files on each node, rather than on shared storage, the following must be true:

  • The Oracle GoldenGate installation must have the same location path on every node

  • At minimum, install the following directories on the shared storage to support Oracle GoldenGate recovery requirements. These directories are among those created when you issue CREATE SUBDIRS during installation. On UNIX or Linux, you can create symbolic links to them from the installation directory on each node.

    • dirchk

    • dirdat

  • The parameter files in the dirprm directory, if not placed on the shared drive, must be identical on all nodes. To resolve environment settings that must be different from one node to the other, you can set environment settings so they are inherited from the local Manager process or reference a node-specific Oracle GoldenGate macro file. Because this scenario can be difficult to enforce, the inherent concerns can be avoided by storing the parameter files on the shared drive.

See Section 2.7, "Integrate Oracle GoldenGate into a Cluster" after you install Oracle GoldenGate.

2.5 Installing Oracle GoldenGate on Linux and UNIX

Follow these steps to install Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle on a Linux or UNIX system or in the appropriate location in a cluster. See Section 2.4, "Preparing to Install Oracle GoldenGate Within a Cluster"for more information.

These steps install the Oracle GoldenGate binaries and working directories.

  1. Extract the Oracle GoldenGate installation file to the system and directory where you want to install Oracle GoldenGate.

  2. Run the command shell.

  3. Change directories to the new Oracle GoldenGate directory.

  4. From the Oracle GoldenGate directory, run the GGSCI program.

  5. In GGSCI, issue the following command to create the Oracle GoldenGate working directories.

  6. Issue the following command to exit GGSCI.


2.6 Installing Oracle GoldenGate on Windows

Follow these steps to install Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle on a Windows system or in the appropriate location in a cluster.

Section 2.6.1, "Installing the Oracle GoldenGate Files"

Section 2.6.2, "Specifying a Custom Manager Name"

Section 2.6.3, "Installing Manager as a Windows Service"

2.6.1 Installing the Oracle GoldenGate Files

To install the Oracle GoldenGate files, do the following:

  1. (Windows Cluster) Log into one of the nodes in the cluster.

  2. (Windows Cluster) Choose a drive for the Oracle GoldenGate installation location. This drive must be a resource within the same cluster group that contains the database instance.

  3. (Windows Cluster) Ensure that this cluster group is owned by the cluster node that you are logging into.

  4. Unzip the downloaded file(s) by using WinZip or an equivalent compression product.

  5. Move the files in binary mode to a folder on the drive where you want to install Oracle GoldenGate. Do not install Oracle GoldenGate into a folder that contains spaces in its name, even if the path is in quotes. For example:

    C:\"Oracle GoldenGate" is not valid.

    C:\Oracle_GoldenGate is valid.

  6. From the Oracle GoldenGate folder, run the GGSCI program.

  7. In GGSCI, issue the following command to create the Oracle GoldenGate working directories.

  8. Issue the following command to exit GGSCI.


2.6.2 Specifying a Custom Manager Name

You must specify a custom name for the Manager process if either of the following is true:

  • You want to use a name for Manager other than the default of GGSMGR.

  • There will be multiple Manager processes running as Windows services on this system. Each Manager on a system must have a unique name. Before proceeding further, note the names of any local Manager services.

To specify a custom Manager name, follow these steps:

  1. From the directory that contains the Manager program, run GGSCI.

  2. Issue the following command.



    The ./ portion of this command must be used, because the GLOBALS file must reside at the root of the Oracle GoldenGate installation file.
  3. In the file, add the following line, where name is a one-word name for the Manager service.

  4. Save the file. The file is saved automatically with the name GLOBALS, without a file extension . Do not move this file. It is used during installation of the Windows service and during data processing.

2.6.3 Installing Manager as a Windows Service

By default, Manager is not installed as a service and can be run by a local or domain account. However, when run this way, Manager will stop when the user logs out. When you install Manager as a service, you can operate it independently of user connections, and you can configure it to start manually or at system start-up.

Installing Manager as a service is required on a Windows Cluster, but optional otherwise.

  1. (Recommended) Log on as the system administrator.

  2. Click Start then Run, and then type cmd in the Run dialog box.

  3. From the directory that contains the Manager program that you are installing as a service, run the INSTALL utility with the following syntax:

    install option [...]

    Where: option is one of the following:

    Table 2-3 INSTALL Options

    Options Descriptions


    Adds Oracle GoldenGate events to the Windows Event Manager.


    Adds Manager as a service with the name that is specified with the MGRSERVNAME parameter in the GLOBALS file, if one exists, or by the default of GGSMGR. ADDSERVICE configures the service to run as the Local System account, the standard for most Windows applications because the service can be run independently of user logins and password changes. To run Manager as a specific account, use the USER and PASSWORD options.

    The service is installed to start at system boot time (see AUTOSTART). To start it after installation, either reboot the system or start the service manually from the Services applet of the Control Panel.


    Sets the service that is created with ADDSERVICE to start at system boot time. This is the default unless MANUALSTART is used.


    Sets the service that is created with ADDSERVICE to start manually through GGSCI, a script, or the Services applet of the Control Panel. The default is AUTOSTART.

    USER name

    Specifies a domain user account that executes Manager. For name, include the domain name, a backward slash, and the user name, for example HEADQT\GGSMGR.

    By default, the Manager service is installed to use the Local System account.



    Specifies the password for the user that is specified with USER.

  4. If Windows User Account Control (UAC) is enabled, you are prompted to allow or deny the program access to the computer. Select Allow to enable the INSTALL utility to run. This installs the Manager service with a local system account running with administrator privileges. No further UAC prompts will be encountered when running Manager if installed as a service.


If Manager is not installed as a service, Oracle GoldenGate users will receive a UAC prompt to confirm the elevation of privileges for Manager when it is started from the GGSCI command prompt. Running other Oracle GoldenGate programs also triggers a prompt.

2.7 Integrate Oracle GoldenGate into a Cluster

If you installed Oracle GoldenGate in a cluster, take the following steps to integrate Oracle GoldenGate within the cluster solution.

Section 2.7.1, "General Requirements in a Cluster"

Section 2.7.2, "Adding Oracle GoldenGate as a Windows Cluster Resource"

2.7.1 General Requirements in a Cluster

When installing Oracle GoldenGate in a cluster, do the following:

  1. Register the Oracle GoldenGate Manager process (and only Manager) as a cluster-managed resource as you would any other application. Manager must be the only Oracle GoldenGate process that the cluster-management software starts and stops, because it is the parent process that manages all other processes.

  2. If the cluster uses a virtual IP address, you may need to obtain an available fixed IP address for the Manager process. The VIP must be an available IP address on the public subnet and cannot be determined through DHCP. In the parameter files of the Extract data pumps, specify the VIP of the remote Manager as the input value of the RMTHOST parameter. Other Oracle GoldenGate products that access Manager also should use the VIP.

  3. When you configure Manager, add the AUTOSTART and AUTORESTART parameters so that Manager starts the replication processes automatically. You can, when needed, control Extract, Replicat, and other Oracle GoldenGate processes from within the Oracle GoldenGate user interfaces.

  4. Mount the shared drive on one node only. This prevents processes from being started on another node. Use the same mount point on all nodes.

2.7.2 Adding Oracle GoldenGate as a Windows Cluster Resource

When installing Oracle GoldenGate in a Windows cluster, follow these instructions to establish Oracle GoldenGate as a cluster resource and configure the Manager service correctly on all nodes.

  • In the cluster administrator, add the Manager process to the group that contains the database instance to which Oracle GoldenGate will connect.

  • Make sure all nodes on which Oracle GoldenGate will run are selected as possible owners of the resource.

  • Make certain the Manager Windows service has the following dependencies (configurable from the Services control panel):

    • The database resource

    • The disk resource that contains the Oracle GoldenGate directory

    • The disk resource that contains the database transaction log files

    • The disk resource that contains the database transaction log backup files