5 IBM DB2 Database Reports

This chapter provides a list of out-of-box reports available for System Monitoring Plug-In for IBM DB2 Database.

Table 5-1 IBM DB2 Database Reports

Report Name Report Elements

IBM DB2 Database System Configuration

  • System Configuration

  • Product Overview

  • Instances

  • Partitions

  • Registry Settings

IBM DB2 Database DB Manager Configuration

  • DB Manager Capacity

  • DB Manager Database Instance

  • DB Manager Log and Recovery

  • DB Manager Partitioned DB Environment

  • DB Manager Connections

IBM DB2 Database DB Disk Storage Statistics

  • Disk Space Utilization

  • Disk Space Utilization Summary

  • Disk Space Utilization Details

IBM DB2 Database Bufferpool and Non-Buffered IO Statistics

  • Bufferpool Activity Summary

  • Non Buffered IO Activity Summary

  • Reads per sec

  • Index Read Rate

  • Index and Data Write Rate

  • Non Buffered IO

IBM DB2 Database Cache Statistics

  • Package Cache Summary

  • Catalog Cache Summary

  • Catalog Cache OverflowsCatalog Cache Hit RatioPackage Cache Overflows Package Cache Hit Ratio

  • Catalog Cache Heapfull

IBM DB2 Database Sort Heap and Hash Join Statistics

  • Total Sorts and Hash Joins

  • Active Sorts

  • Active Sorts Summary

  • Average Sort Space Used

  • Average Sort Time Per Sort

  • Sorts Overflow Ratio

  • Hash Join Small Overflows and Overflows

  • Hash Join Small Overflows to Overflows Ratio

IBM DB2 Database DB Manager Sorts Statistics

  • Database Manager Sorts Summary

  • Post Threshold Sorts and Joins

  • Piped Sorts Rejection Rate

IBM DB2 Database Locks Statistics

  • Lock Summary

  • Average Lock Wait Time

  • Locks Held and Waiting

  • Application Escalations and Timeouts

  • Deadlocks and Internal Deadlock Rollbacks

IBM DB2 Database DB Manager Agents and Connections Statistics

  • Agent Configuration

  • Agent Pool Activity

  • Agents Creation to Assignment Ratio

  • Idle Agents

  • Agents Waiting on Token

  • Remote Connections

  • Remote Connections Summary

  • Local Connections

  • Local Connections Summary

IBM DB2 Database Applications Lock Performance

  • Top 10 Applications Based on Average Lock Wait Time (ms)

  • Top 10 Applications Based on Number of Locks Held

  • Top 10 Applications Based on Number of Lock Timeouts

IBM DB2 Database CPU Usage

  • Top 10 Applications Based on Total CPU Usage (ms)

  • Top 10 Applications Based on Total Idle Time (ms)

IBM DB2 Database Applications Row Accesses and Sorts Performance

  • Top 10 Applications Based on Rows Read

  • Top 10 Applications Based on Rows Written

  • Top 10 Applications Based on Time Spent in Sorts (ms)

IBM DB2 Database SQL Statement Performance

  • Top 10 Statements Based on Rows Read

  • Top 10 Statements Based on Rows Written

  • Top 10 Statements Based on Average Sort Time (ms)

  • Top 10 Statements Based on CPU Usage (ms)

IBM DB2 Database DB Health

  • Database Health Information

  • Database Health Indicator

  • Database Collection Health Indicator

IBM DB2 Database DB Manager Health

  • Database Manager Health Information

  • Database Manager Health Indicator

IBM DB2 Database Tablespace Health

  • Tablespace Health Information

  • Tablespace Health Indicator

IBM DB2 Database Container Health

  • Container Health Information

  • Container Health Indicator

IBM DB2 Database Tablespace Statistics

  • Top 5 Tablespaces by Space Available (%)

  • Tablespaces Summary

IBM DB2 Statement and Lock Wait Analysis

  • Top 5 Statements by Execution

  • Top 5 Statements by CPU Time

  • Lock Wait Times by Blocking Application

Figure 5-1 shows the DB Manager Agents and Connections Statistics report available for IBM DB2 Database:

Figure 5-1 IBM DB2 Database Cache Statistics Report

Description of Figure 5-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-1 IBM DB2 Database Cache Statistics Report''