4 Creating and Editing Jobs

This chapter describes how to create and edit jobs in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control for the IBM DB2 Database.

To create and edit jobs, follow these steps:

  1. In Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c, click Enterprise, then Job, then click Activity.

  2. On the Job Activity page, select a job type from the Create Job menu and click Go.

    Select one of the following jobs:

    • Shutdown IBM DB2: Performs a Shutdown of the IBM DB2 Database Instance. When the IBM DB2 Database Instance is started, the Shutdown job icon will be accessible in the Summary section of the Target Home page.

    • Startup IBM DB2: Performs a Startup of the IBM DB2 Database Instance. When the IBM DB2 Database Instance is shut down, the Startup job icon will be accessible in the Summary section of the Target Home page.

    • Quiesce IBM DB2 DB: Perform a Quiesce command on the IBM DB2 Database.

      (Select this option when you want to put the DB2 database into maintenance mode.)

    • Unquiesce IBM DB2 DB: Perform an Unquiesce command on the IBM DB2 Database.

      (Select this option when you want to remove the DB2 database from maintenance mode.)

    • Kill DB2 Application: Forcibly end an agent's session in DB2 to stop an application. This job is also accessible from the Analysis page as the Kill Application button when an Application when viewing Lock Wait By Blocking Application and an application is selected.

      (Select this option to end an application by specifying the agent id in the Parameters tab when creating the job.)


    All jobs available for the IBM DB2 Database plug-in are only available when the plug-in is set up for local monitoring of the database.
  3. In the General tab of the Create <Job Type> Job page, provide a name for the job and add the individual targets or one composite target such as a Group. If you are editing a job, then modify the job name and the selected targets.


    These jobs do not require and parameters to be set in the Parameters tab of the Create <Job Type> Job page.
  4. In the Credentials tab of the Create <Job Type> Job page, select an appropriate option for credentials.

    You can choose to use the preferred credentials that are already set or override the preferred credentials with new credentials. In either case, you need to provide the credentials for agent host and database host.

    To set the preferred credentials, click Preferences at the top-right corner of the Cloud Control console. From the left-vertical navigation bar, click Preferred Credentials. Cloud Control displays the Preferred Credentials page. On this page, you can set the preferred credentials.

  5. In the Schedule tab of the Create <Job Type> Job page, schedule the job.

  6. In the Access tab of the Create <Job Type> Job page, define or modify the access you want other users to have to this job.

  7. Click Submit to create the job.


To enable use of the Job Buttons found in the Summary section of the Target home page, be sure to set the Preferred Credentials for the IBM DB2 Database target type.