1. Preface

1.1 Introduction

This manual is designed to help you quickly get acquainted with the Core Services module of Oracle FLEXCUBE.

You can further obtain information specific to a particular field by placing the cursor on the relevant field and striking <F1> on the keyboard.

1.2 Audience

This manual is intended for the following User/User Roles:



Back office clerk

Input functions for contracts

Back office managers/officers

Authorization functions

Product Managers

Product definition and authorization

End of day operators

Processing during end of day/ beginning of day

Financial Controller/Product Manag­ers

Generation of reports

1.3 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.

1.4 Organization

The manual is organized in the following manner:



Chapter 1

About this Manual gives a brief introduction of the module, the audi­ence it addresses and the organization of the various chapters. It also includes the list of related documents to be referred, if any, and the conventions used in the document

Chapter 2

Bank Parameters explains the maintenance of various basic details about your bank

Chapter 3

Ramadan Maintenance explains maintenance of Ramadan year.

Chapter 4

Dealer Maintenance explains how you can capture profiles of dealers involved in buying and selling of foreign exchange

Chapter 5

Branch Parameters explains the process of creating and maintaining branches of your bank, with all necessary details

Chapter 6

Account Branch Transfer explains how you can maintain and process account transfers from one branch of the bank to another.

Chapter 7

System Dates Maintenance explains how you can maintain system dates for the branches of your bank

Chapter 8

Web Service Maintenance explains the process of WebService Map­ping and other details regarding maintenance of external WebService.

Chapter 9

Restriction Maintenance at Customer Level explains customer level restrictions which can be utilized during various transactions.

Chapter 10

Accounts for Inter-Branch Transactions explains how you can main­tain internal accounts for branches involved in inter-branch transac­tions

Chapter 11

Currency Maintenance explains the process of maintaining currencies in the system, with all necessary static attributes

Chapter 12

Currency Denomination explains the maintenance of standard cur­rency denominations for each currency

Chapter 13

Expressing Amounts in Words describes the details of maintaining amounts in words

Chapter 14

Defining Currency Pairs explains the maintenance of static attributes for currency pairs for which exchange rate quotes are available

Chapter 15

Maintaining Exchange Rates explains the maintenance of exchange rates used to buy and sell currencies one for another

Chapter 16

Maintaining Currency Spread for a Customer explains the mainte­nance of currency spread and margin details for a customer

Chapter 17

Virtual Account Code Maintenance explains about different virtual account codes that can be maintained.

Chapter 18

Period Code Maintenance explains the maintenance of financial peri­ods into which each financial cycle is to be divided

Chapter 19

Status Code Maintenance explains the maintenance of codes that you can assign to the different statuses that a contract or a customer account can attain

Chapter 20

Transaction Code Maintenance explains the maintenance of codes that you can use to represent different types of transactions

Chapter 21

Account Revaluation Maintenance explains the maintenance of parameters for account revaluation

Chapter 22

Maintaining Branch Holidays explains the maintenance of the holiday calendar for the different branches of your bank

Chapter 23

Maintaining Currency Holidays explains the maintenance of the holi­day calendar for the different currencies in which your bank transacts

Chapter 24

Maintaining Clearing Holidays explains the maintenance of the holiday calendar for the different clearing houses with which your bank trans­acts

Chapter 25

Document Maintenance explains about the type of documents to be submitted before opening an account and the document checklist to be maintained.

Chapter 26

Configuring Overrides details on configuring overrides of the system.

Chapter 27

Other Maintenances explains the method of installing features in a branch to improve the performance of the system during online or batch processes.

Chapter 28

Purging Data explains the details of purging data.

Chapter 29

Support 24x7 explains about the 24x7 support features in FCUBS.

Chapter 30

Tanking of Maintenance Records explains the process of tanking maintenance records.

Chapter 31

External Deal Maintenance explains the process of capturing deals booked in an external system.

Chapter 32

Annexure B – File Formats contains a list of file formats.

Chapter 33

Anti-Money Laundering Reporting explains the process of guarding against money laundering, a facility provided by Oracle FLEXCUBE

Chapter 34

Developer and Developer Project Maintenance explains how you can maintain details of the real-estate developer and developer projects.

Chapter 35

Project Financing explains the process of maintaining the project finance transaction in a bank using the Project Detail and Mainte­nance screen.

Chapter 36

Error and Error Codes for Project Financing lists all the error mes­sages that you can encounter while working with this module.

Chapter 37

Reports explains the procedure of generating Reports.

Chapter 38

Function ID Glossary has alphabetical listing of Function/Screen ID's used in the module with page references for quick navigation.

1.5 Related Documents

1.6 Glossary of Icons

This User Manual may refer to all or some of the following icons:






Add row


Delete row


Option List