2. An Overview

Dashboards are the tiny windows displayed on the landing page of the Application. Dashboard renders quick and crisp information of specific transactions or tasks mapped to the ‘User Role’ of the Bank staff, who logs on to the system.

2.1 Dashboard Organization

Oracle FLEXCUBE facilitates integration of Information from multiple products and displays it as Dashboard on the home page, also called the landing page of the application; however, you can view these dashboards, only if the ‘Show Dashboard’ field value is maintained as ‘Y’ at the ‘User Settings’ level.

Oracle FLEXCUBE organizes Dashboards to provide comprehensive and consolidate snapshot in tiny windows, to access information easily. Thus, helping the bank staff to; analyze, monitor, and make better decisions which in turn help save time and cost.

Landing page is designed to display six Dashboards distributed in three rows with two Dashboards per row, without vertical scroll bar.


The height and width of all Dashboards are fixed; however, the number of columns per Dashboard varies based on the size and name of the columns specified at Dashboard design level. Since the height of each Dashboard is fixed, only the first 5 records can be viewed at a time. If the Dashboard contains more than 5 records, then the following buttons and links at the top of each Dashboard aid in viewing them:

Button/Link Functionality
Previous Click the button to view the previous set of 5 records.
Next Click the button to view the next set of records. However, if there are more than 5 entries then only the next five can be viewed.
Refresh Click the button to manually refresh and view the first five records.
More Click this link to launch a screen with more information similar to that of the current Dashboard.

The following hyperlink facilities are also available in each Dashboard:


Hyperlinked rows and columns are highlighted to distinguish them from others. When a row/column link is clicked, the clicked row/column gets highlighted respectively.

You can map any number of Dashboard function IDs (DFI) to a specific ‘Role’ or ‘User’ at Role Mapping and Dashboard Mapping level. If DFIs are mapped at ‘Dashboard Mapping’ level, then to enable Dashboards you need to map the corresponding functions/assigned roles at ‘Role Mapping’ level. You can also specify sequence order of DFIs at ‘Dashboard Mapping’ level, however, you can specify the same at ‘Role Mapping’ level. If multiple roles are added and the sequence is not specified, then the system will sort and display the DFIs alphabetically. If DFIs are mapped to ‘User’, then you can specify the display order for each DFI individually.