5. Reports

This manual lists the details of various reports that you can generate for Limits and Collateral Management module of Oracle FLEXCUBE.

During the day, or at the end of the day, you may want to retrieve information on any of the several operations that were performed during the day in your bank. You can generate this information in the form of reports in Oracle FLEXCUBE.

For every module you can generate reports, which give you data about the various events in the life of a specific contract, or across contracts, at a specific point in time. You can have analysis reports, daily reports, exception reports (reports on events that ought to have taken place on the contract but have not, due to various reasons), history reports and so on. A set of report formats is pre-defined for every module.

This chapter contains the following sections:

5.1 Generating Reports

From the Application Browser, select the Reports option. A list of all the modules to which you have access rights are displayed in the screen. When you click on a module, all the reports for which you have access rights under the selected module are displayed. Click on the report you want to generate. You will be given a selection Criteria based on which the report would be generated.

Click ’OK’ button when you have specified your preferences. The ‘Print Options’ screen gets displayed, where you can specify the preferences for printing the report.

5.2 Covenant History Reports

This section contains the following topics:

5.2.1 Generating Covenant History Reports

You can invoke the ‘Covenant History Reports’ screen by typing ‘ELRPCONH’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Covenant Name

Select the covenant name from the adjoining option list.

Liability Number

Select the liability number for which you want to rertive the covenanat data.

5.2.2 Contents of the Report

The contents of this report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the branch and branch date, user id, the date and time, the page number and module of the report.

Body of the Report

This report contains details of:

Field Name Field Description
Covenant Name This is the name of the covenant.
Transaction Type This is the facility or collateral type of transaction.
Mandatory This is to specify whether the Covenant is mandatory or not.
Frequency This is to specify the frequency of the Covenant submission.
Start Date This is the start date of the covenant.
End date This is the end date of the covenant.
Grace days This is the grace days of the Covenant.
Notice days This is the notice days of the Covenant.
Remarks This is the additional comments associated with the covenant

5.3 Over Drawn Lines Report

This section contains the following topic:

5.3.1 Viewing Over Drawn Lines Report

The report is used to check the overdrawn balances with the respect to the credit lines being used. You can invoke the ‘Over Drawn Lines Report’ screen by typing ‘ELRPOVLN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button

Line Code

Select the line code as All or Single.

List of Credit Lines

Select the credit line from the adjoining option list, if single line code is selected.


The list of credit lines is disabled, if line code is opted as All. If line code is opted as single, then list of credit lines are mandatory.

5.3.2 Contents of the Report

The contents of this report are discussed under the following heads:

Header Section

The header contains the following:

Field Name Field Description
Liability Number The liability number of the customer is displayed.
Name The name of the liability is displayed.
Customer Number The customer associated with the facility is displayed.
Customer Name The name of the customer associated with the facility is displayed.
Line The credit line number of the facility is displayed.
Serial The serial number of the credit line is displayed.
Currency The currency of the credit line is displayed.
Main Line The main credit line of the facility is displayed
Effective Line Amount The effective credit line amount is displayed.
Overdrawn Amount The amount overdrawn by utilization is displayed.

Tabular Section

This report contains details of:

Field Name Field Description
Contract Reference Account Number The reference number of the contract account which utilizes the line with the primary key as the facility associated with the liability, is displayed.
Module The associated module from which the transaction is generated is displayed.
Utilization Amount in Contract Cur­rency/A/c Currency The utilization amount in the contract currency is displayed.
Utilization Amount in line currency The utilization amount in the line currency is displayed. If full rein­statement is made to the utilization made, then utilization amount in contract currency/ account currency and utilization amount in line currency is 0. This is applicable for revolving lines only. In case of non revolving lines, even if reinstatement is made, utili­zation amount will remain as is.
Date of Overdrawn Amount The date on which the transaction has overdrawn the line is dis­played.
Reason/Remark Reason or Remark of the overdrawn amount is displayed here.


The subtotal of the overdrawn amount is displayed. The grand total displays the grand total of the overdrawn amount is also displayed. The sub total and the grand total will be dis­played in the branch local currency.

5.4 Utilizations Report Date Wise Report

This section contains the following topic:

5.4.1 Viewing Utilization Report Date Wise Report

This report is used to track the utilizations on a credit line. You can invoke the ‘Utilizations Report Date Wise’ screen by typing ‘ELRPUTLD’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.


Select All liabilities or Single liability.

From Date

Select the date from which the utilization is to be considered to generate this report.

To Date

Select the date till which the utilization is to be considered to generate this report.


From Date and To Date fields are mandatory fields. The report lists all utilizations that have taken place between the From and To Dates selected. The From and To Dates cannot be a future date. ‘To Date’ cannot be less than ‘From Date’.

List of Liability Names

Select the name of the liability from the adjoining option list, if single liability is selected.


The list of liability names is enabled only if Single Liability is selected. This field is disabled if ‘All Liabilities’ are selected.

5.4.2 Contents of the Report

The contents of this report are discussed under the following heads:

Header Section

This report contains details of:

Field Name Field Description
Liability Name The name of the liability is displayed.
Line Code The line code of the utilization line is displayed.
Serial Number The serial number of the line is displayed.
Line Currency The currency of the line is displayed.
Contract Reference Number The contract reference number that emanates from the Product Processor is displayed.
Contract Currency The contract currency of the contract which utilizes the line is dis­played,
Module The module from which the transactions are triggered is dis­played.
Date Date wise utilization on the credit line is displayed.
Utilization Line Cur­rency The line currency of the utilization amount is displayed.
Utilization Contract Currency The utilization in contract currency is displayed.


The utilization remains the same even if a reinstatement is made as the utilizations are made for a line, date wise. The subtotal shows the liability wise total in liability currency and grand total displays the total utilizations in branch currency.

5.5 Collateral Details Report

This section contains the following topic:

5.5.1 Viewing Collateral Details Report

This report is used to view the collaterals at any point in time. You can invoke the ‘Collateral Report’ screen by typing ‘ELRPCOLT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button


Select all liabilities or single liability.

List of Liabilities

Select the liability from the adjoining option list, if single liability is selected.

5.5.2 Contents of the Report

The contents of this report are discussed under the following heads:

Header Section

This report contains details of:

Field Name Field Description
Liability Number The liability number is displayed.
Liability Name The name of the liability is displayed.
Customer Name The name of the customer is displayed.
Customer Number The CIF number of the customer is displayed.
Collateral Code The collateral code is displayed.
Description The collateral description is displayed.
Currency The collateral currency is displayed.
Collateral Value The value of the collateral is displayed.
Collateral Category The category of the collateral is displayed.
Collateral Type The type of collateral which is linked with the category is dis­played.
Shared Indication on whether the collateral is shared or not is displayed.


The subtotal displays the liability wise total collateral value. The grand total displays the liability wise total collateral value. The sub total and grand total will be displayed in the branch local currency.

5.6 Pool Linkage Report

This section contains the following topic:

5.6.1 Viewing Pool Linkage Report

This report is used to analyse the following information:

This report gives details of the pool linkage. You can invoke the ‘Pool Linkage Report’ screen by typing ‘ELRPOLNK’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button

Pool Code

Select All Pool Code or Single Pool Code.

Pool List

Select the pool from the adjoining option list, if Single pool code is selected.


Pool Codes should not be selected from the Pool List, if All Pools are selected, else an error message is displayed. The pool code can be selected only if single pool code is se­lected.

5.6.2 Contents of the Report

The contents of this report are discussed under the following heads:

Header Section

The header contains the following:

Field Name Field Description
Pool Code The collateral pool code is displayed.
Description The description of the pool code is displayed.
Liability Number The liability number is displayed.
Pool Currency The collateral pool currency is displayed.
Pool Amount The total collateral pool amount is displayed.
Pool Utilized The utilized collateral pool amount is displayed.
Available Amount The available amount post the transaction is displayed. This is calculated as Total Available Pool Amount - Transaction Amount of the Pool.
Link/Contract Link­age The utilization line or contract linked to the pool is displayed.

Tabular Section

This report contains details of:

Field Name Field Description
Collateral Code The collateral code is displayed.
Collateral Currency The collateral currency is displayed.
Collateral Contribu­tion The collateral contribution to the pool is displayed.
Linked Percentage The linked percentage of the collateral is displayed.
Lined Amount The linked amount of the collateral is displayed here.
Linked Amount Pool currency The linked amount pool currency of the collateral is displayed here.
Collateral Type The type of collateral is displayed.


The subtotal displays the pool code wise total pool amount. The grand total displays the pool code wise total pool amount. The sub total and grand total will be displayed in the branch local currency.

5.7 Credit Movement Report

This section contains the following topic:

5.7.1 Viewing Credit Movement Report

This report is used to analyze the credit movement of the customer exposure across different credit lines of the overall exposure limit given to the customer. Banks require this report to monitor the exposure limit of the customer for the fund based and non fund based credit limits. You can invoke the ‘Credit Movement Report’ screen by typing ‘ELRPCRMO’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button


Select all liabilities or single liability.

List of Liabilities

Select the liability from the adjoining option list, if single liability is selected.


The liability from the list of liabilities field can be selected only if single liability is selected or else an error message is displayed.

5.7.2 Contents of the Report

The contents of this report are discussed under the following heads:


The header contains the following:

Field Name Field Description
Liability ID The liability ID for the credit movement is displayed.
Liability Name The name of the liability is displayed.
Line Code The line code of the credit facility is displayed.
Line Serial Number The serial number of the facility line code is displayed.
Line Currency The currency of the line is displayed.
Limit Amount The limit amount of the facility is displayed.
Collateral Contribu­tion The collateral contribution in the facility or the credit line is dis­played.
Revolving line The revolving line indicator is displayed.
Available Amount The available amount is displayed. The opening balance is updated only after EOD and not after each transaction. After EOD, the closing balance is displayed as the opening balance for the day. The opening balance is not updated for each utilization transac­tion.
Amount reinstated today The line reinstated amount is displayed. The re-paid amount on the loan which is attached to the credit line is displayed.
Amount Utilized Today The amount utilized for the day in the line is displayed.
Available Amount The available balance of the line is displayed here.

Tabular Section

This report contains details of:

Field Name Field Description
Contract Reference Number The reference of the contract which utilizes the line is displayed.
Contract Currency The currency of the contract which utilized the line is displayed,
Amount The amount of the contract which utilizes the line is displayed. Amount is displayed as 0, if full reinstatement is made to the utili­zation for a revolving line. In case of part reinstatement, the amount is updated based on the reinstatement. In case of non revolving lines, there is no change in amount after reinstatement.

5.8 Limit Details Report

This section contains the following topics:

5.8.1 Viewing Limit Details Report

This report is used to view the limit details of the customer at any point in time. You can invoke the ‘Limit Details Report’ screen by typing ‘ELRPLIMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button


Select all line codes or single line code.

List of Credit Lines

Select the credit line from the adjoining option list, if Single line code is selected.


The credit lines from the list of credit lines can be selected only if single line code is select­ed else an error message is displayed.

5.8.2 Contents of the Report

The contents of this report are discussed under the following heads:


The header contains the following:

Field Name Field Description
Line Code The line code of the limit details are displayed.
Line Serial Number The serial number of the line code is displayed.
Currency The currency of the line code is displayed.
Start Date The start date of the line is displayed.
Expiry Date The expiry date of the line is displayed.
Limit Amount The limit amount of the line is displayed.
Available Amount The available amount of the line is displayed.
Utilized Amount The utilized amount of the line is displayed.
Blocked Amount The blocked amount of the line is displayed.

Tabular Section

This report contains details of:

Field Name Field Description
Contract Reference Number The reference number of the contract attached to the line is dis­played.
Module Account Number The module or source from which the transaction is generated is displayed.
Currency The contract currency is displayed.
Amount The contract amount is displayed.
Line Currency Equivalent The line currency equivalent of the contract currency is displayed.

5.9 Line Summary Report

This section contains the following topics:

5.9.1 Viewing Line Summary Report

This report is used to view the liability details and the corresponding line details associated with the customer liability. You can invoke the ‘Line Summary Report’ screen by typing ‘ELRPML’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button


Select all line codes or single line code.

List of Credit Lines

Select the credit line from the adjoining option list, if single line code is selected.


The credit lines from the list of credit lines can be selected only if single line code is select­ed else an error message is displayed.

5.9.2 Contents of the Report

The contents of this report are discussed under the following heads:

Header Section

The header contains the following:

Field Name Field Description
Liability Number The liability number of the line is displayed.
Liability Currency The liability currency of the line is displayed.
Liability Limit The liability limit of the line is displayed.
Liability Utilization The overall utilization of the liability is displayed.
Overdrawn Amount The overdrawn amount of the liability is displayed.

Tabular Section

This report contains details of:

Field Name Field Description
Line ID The overdrawn line ID is displayed.
Status The status of the line is displayed.
Currency The currency of the overdrawn line is displayed.
Limit The overall limit of the line is displayed.
Utilization The utilization from the contract as on date is displayed.
Overdrawn Amount The overdrawn amount of the line is displayed.
Contract Reference Number The contract which has utilized the line and overdrawn is dis­played.
Module The module or source which has utilized the line is displayed.

5.10 Exception Report

This section contains the following topics:

5.10.1 Viewing Exception Report

This report is used to identify any exception transaction. This report fetches two types of data:

You can invoke the ‘Exception Report’ screen by typing ‘ELRPEXCE’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.


Select Single or All Liabilities. If ‘All Liabilities’ is selected, then the report is generated with all exceptions that would have occurred in the transaction with different liabilities.

List of Liability Names

Select the liability name from the adjoining option list, if a single liability is selected. You can select multiple liabilities by adding multiple rows by clicking the ‘+’ sign.

From Date

Select the start date. This date should be less than or equal to the system date.

To Date

Select the end date. The date should be less than or equal to the system date.


The From Date and To Date are mandatory fields. The exception transactions performed between the From Date and the To Date are listed.

5.10.2 Contents of the Report

The contents of this report are discussed under the following heads:


This section contains the following:

Field Name Field Description
Liability Number The liability number with which the line has created the exception in the transaction is displayed.

Tabular Section

This report contains details of:

Field Name Field Description
Transaction Date The date on which the exception transaction was made is dis­played.
Source The product processor or source from which the transaction with exception was generated, is displayed.
Line ID The facility ID which created the exception transaction, is dis­played.
Customer Number The customer number of the customer who has transacted in the line which has created the exception is displayed. For a liability where multiple customers are associated with the facility, the sys­tem will fetch the customer number which is attached to the facil­ity.
Customer Name The name of the customer is displayed.
Currency The currency of the facility is displayed.
Transaction Amount The transaction amount which has created this facility is dis­played.
User ID The user ID of the user who has made this transaction is dis­played.
Approver ID The officer user who has approved the exception transaction is displayed.
Exception The exception reason or the override captured while processing of the transaction during save or authorization is displayed.