9. Error Codes and Messages

This chapter contains the following section:

9.1 Error Messages

Error Code Message
FMS-0001 Duplicate FMS value
FMS-0002 Mapping already exists
GL-0001 Line code cannot be null
GL-0002 Line code length cannot be less than three characters
GL-0003 Line description cannot null
GL-0004 Cannot change the line type
GL-0005 The line type of the parent does not match with that of the line
GL-0006 The category of the parent does not match with that of the child
GL-0007 $1 is the consolidation point for $2
GL-0008 Record already exists
GL-0009 First authorize the lines above the current line in the hierarchy
GL-0010 Enter valid parent
GL-0011 Mandatory fields not input
GL-0012 The length of the GL code cannot be lesser than three characters
GL-0013 Duplicate GL code, customer account or account short code
GL-0014 The GL code does not match with the GL Mask
GL-0015 Check digit could not be generated for the current GL code
GL-0016 The scope of currency restriction cannot be reduced
GL-0017 The scope of the branch restriction cannot be reduced
GL-0018 A head office or branch Restriction can be modified to both only
GL-0019 Record already exists
GL-0020 Some branches are not at End of Day
GL-0021 Closure disallowed. Customer Accounts linked to the GL at following nodes: $1
GL-0022 The type does not allow Modification
GL-0023 Balance for the current GL is not zero at following nodes: $1
GL-0024 First authorize the GL above the current GL in the hierarchy
GL-0025 Enter the currency
GL-0026 Current GL is a parent of some open GLs
GL-0027 The parent GL for the current GL has been modified to a leaf - cannot open this GL
GL-0028 Spaces not allowed in GL code
GL-0029 Length of the field cannot be less than three characters
GL-0030 A maximum of ten customer classes and ten transaction classes allowed
GL-0031 A maximum of two classes can be maintained for budget for each customer/transaction class
GL-0032 Input mandatory
GL-0033 Gl_Code cannot be null
GL-0034 MIS_Class cannot be null
GL-0035 Invalid record
GL-0036 The Parent_GL for the current GL is unauthorized - cannot open this GL
GL-0037 The Parent_GL for the current GL is closed - cannot open this GL
GL-0038 Before running the consolidated report run the GL report for the branch - $1
GL-0039 Could not generate the report
GL-0040 Failed to perform the consolidation for the nodes
GL-0041 GL code already used
GL-0042 Failed to update the Balances for the customer GLs
GL-0043 Budget name cannot be empty
GL-0044 Invalid budget description
GL-0045 Financial year cannot be empty
GL-0046 Period code cannot be empty
GL-0047 M I S class cannot be empty
GL-0048 M I S code cannot be empty
GL-0049 Currency code cannot be empty
GL-0050 Amount cannot be empty
GL-0051 Branch cannot be empty
GL-0052 No records available
GL-0053 GL code cannot be empty
GL-0054 All (AL) option cannot be selected, when a currency has been already selected
GL-0055 Input a valid date
GL-0056 Spaces not allowed in report name
GL-0057 Failed to perform consolidation
GL-0058 Spaces are not allowed in MIS class
GL-0059 Spaces are not allowed in MIS code
GL-0060 Change of MIS type is not allowed
GL-0061 Cannot delete the last detail record
GL-0062 Detail records cannot be empty
GL-0063 Duplicate record
GL-0064 All (AL) option has been selected, other currencies not allowed
GL-0065 Enter a valid category
GL-0066 Enter a valid category group
GL-0067 Cannot change the category of the line
GL-0068 Current line is a parent of some open lines
GL-0070 The parent line for the current line is closed - cannot open this line
GL-0071 The parent line for the current line is unauthorized - cannot reopen this line
GL-0072 Budgeting is being done for this GL. Closure disallowed
GL-0073 Reporting is being done for this GL. Closure disallowed
GL-0074 MIS update failed
GL-0075 Budget update failed
GL-0076 This report is being run by another user. Please wait
GL-0077 Type not allowed for customer GL
GL-0078 Type not allowed for internal GL
GL-0079 Category not allowed for customer GL
GL-0080 Financial year/period code cannot be null
GL-0081 Date cannot be null
GL-0082 Report name mandatory
GL-0083 Days cannot be greater than 27 if months present
GL-0084 Days cannot be greater than 364 if years present
GL-0085 Months cannot be greater than 11 if years present
GL-0086 Tenor cannot be negative
GL-0087 Period code cannot be null
GL-0088 Financial year cannot be null
GL-0089 Cannot change leaf to a node
GL-0090 Do you want to close the financial year?
GL-0091 Do you want to close the period?
GL-0092 Could not close financial year
GL-0093 Could not close period
GL-0094 Enter the financial year before the period
GL-0095 Cannot use this MIS class for further allocation order
GL-0096 Interbranch GL - only one MIS group allowed
GL-0097 Mandatory field MIS group cannot be null
GL-0098 A position GL or position eqv. GL cannot be defined as node GLs.
GL-0099 This process can be run only between end of financial input and End of Day
GL-0100 This process has already been run
GL-BUD01 Period code is not maintained for the budget
GL-BUD02 The MIS class 1 for the budget is not maintained
GL-BUD03 The MIS code 1 for the budget is not maintained
GL-BUD04 The MIS class 2 for the budget is not maintained
GL-BUD05 The MIS code 2 for the budget is not maintained.
GL-CPT01 This combination of product, allocation code, transaction type and MIS code for the given financial cycle and period code is already maintained
GL-CPT02 Product or allocation code or transaction type cannot be null
GL-CPT03 Both cost code and cost per transaction cannot be null
GL-CPT04 Financial cycle or period code cannot be null
GL-CPT05 The selected period code is not for the chosen financial cycle
GL-CPT06 Segment code cannot be null
GL-CTG1 Asset accounts should be of debit category
GL-CTG2 Liability accounts should be of credit category
GL-CTG3 Income accounts should be of credit category
GL-CTG4 Expense accounts should be of debit category
GL-CTG5 Invalid FMS account code
GL-FIN­CL001 Finance closure successful
GL-FIN­CL002 Finance closure unsuccessful
GL-FMS1 The legal vehicle of the FMS account is not valid
GL-FMS2 Incorrect length of FMS account
GL-FMS3 The currency is not valid
GL-FMS4 The FMS account exists
GL-FMS5 The GL code is a new GL. Do you want to auto-maintain it?
GL-FMS6 The RC code is new. Do you want to auto-maintain it?
GL-FMUP001 Failed to get commit frequency for process ZDWU
GL-FMUP002 No data found in cotms_source_pref for source $1
GL-FMUP003 Failed to get upload ID for process ZDWU
GL-FMUP004 Failed to translate external entity $1 for $2 - check if it is authorized/open or not maintained
GL-FMUP005 GL - $1 closed
GL-FMUP006 GL - $1 unauthorized
GL-FMUP007 $1 duplicate GL
GL-FMUP008 $1 - failed to insert in GLTMS_GLMASTER
GL-FMUP009 $1 - failed to insert in STTBS_ACCOUNT
GL-FMUP010 MIS group - $1 closed
GL-FMUP011 MIS group - $1 unauthorized
GL-FMUP012 Failed to get the Maximum class number for transaction class
GL-FMUP013 RC01 - failed to insert into GLTMS_MIS_Class
GL-FMUP014 $1 - RC01 - failed to insert into GLTMS_MIS_Code
GL-FMUP015 $1 - $2 - failed to insert into GLTMS_GL_MIS_Group
GL-FMUP016 Failed to insert in GLTBS_FMS_Details
GL-FMUP017 Record already exists in GLTBS_FMS_Details
GL-FMUP018 $1 - $2 - failed to get start and end date
GL-FMUP019 EOM balances not sent by FMS
GL-FMUP020 AVG balances not sent by FMS
GL-FMUP021 LCY balance not sent but the currency is local currency
GL-FMUP022 No MIS head maintained for transaction code $1
GL-FMUP023 $1 - MIS group not maintained
GL-FMUP024 Failed to insert in MITBS_Class_Mapping
GL-FMUP025 Failed to update processed flag
GL-FMUP026 General failure in FMS upload process
GL-FMUP027 No records to process
GL-FMUP028 The record is already processed
GL-FMUP029 $1 cannot be null
GL-FMUP030 FMS upload successful
GL-FMUP031 Failed to insert in GLTBS_FMS_Master
GL-FMUP032 FMS and ISO currency should be same
GL-FMUP035 Account code invalid
GL-GRP01 Source group name cannot be null
GL-GRP02 Source group name should be unique
GL-GRP03 Please maintain at least one GL code for this group
GL-POS01 Currency field cannot be null
GL-POS02 At least one of the fields (position GL or position eqv. GL) has to be populated
GL-POS03 GL is linked for positioning in GL maintenance - cannot be closed
GL-POS04 GL is linked for positioning in currency maintenance - cannot be closed