2. Oracle FLEXCUBE Information Server

Oracle FLEXCUBE Information system provides for flexible enterprise reporting that helps improved decision making. The Oracle FLEXCUBE Information Server collects the data stored in Oracle FLEXCUBE and generates reports.

You can use the Oracle FLEXCUBE Information Server for monitoring your business performance closely. With the reports generated using Oracle FLEXCUBE Information Server, you can have a vivid view of the problems in the business environment and identify the areas that require attention. You can also analyse the new business opportunities and trends that help you enhance your businesses.

The key features of Oracle FLEXCUBE Information Server reporting are as follows:

This chapter contains the following sections:

2.1 Report Generation

You can generate the various preset reports from Oracle FLEXCUBE Information Server. Login to Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition. Go to Dashboards. The reports are organized under four dashboards, viz. Bank Scorecard I, Bank Scorecard II, Bank Scorecard III/ Islamic, and Enterprise Limits and Collateral Management.

Oracle Business Intelligence system displays the reports for the selected year quarter. It also shows the data pertaining the previous four year quarters. You can drill down to the account level by clicking the data.

You can view the following reports under the dashboards Bank Scorecard I, Bank Scorecard II, and Bank Scorecard III, Enterprise Limits and Collateral Management, Islamic Bank Scorecard:


Bank Scorecard III will be deployed for Non Islamic Sites and  Sites having both CL and CI accounts.


Islamic Bank Scorecard will be deployed for Islamic Sites.

The reports are displayed across various parameters as shown below.




All CL accounts and OD/CC with negative balance


All CASA Accounts (CA, SB, TD, Nostro, Vostro) and OD/CC with posi­tive balance

New Assets

All ), open/active assets that have contributed for asset balance

New Liabilities

All (open), active/new liabilities that have contributed for liability balance

Interest Earned

All (open/closed), existing/new assets that have contributed for interest earned

Interest Paid

All (open/closed), existing/new liabilities that have contributed for Inter­est paid

Profit Earned

All (open/closed), existing/new assets that have contributed for profit earned

Profit Paid

All (open/closed), existing/new assets that have contributed for profit paid

2.2 Bank Scorecard I

This section contains the following topics:

2.2.1 Bank Scorecard

The bank scorecard shows the details of assets and liability books of your bank. Select the year quarter for which you need to generate the report and click ‘Apply’ button.

The Oracle FLEXCUBE Information Server generates the report with the details of the value and total number of assets and liabilities books, as of the last day of the quarter. The generated report is as follows:

You can view the following details:

The following actions are supported from this screen:

2.2.2 New Assets and Liabilities

The new assets and liabilities report shows the value and total number of the new and active assets and liabilities of the bank for each quarter. Select the year quarter and click ‘Apply’ button.

The generated report is as follows:

You can view the following details:

The following actions are supported from this screen:

2.2.3 Liabilities Book

The liabilities book shows the liability account balance and count based on the account type. Only open and active accounts are considered for this report. Select the year quarter and click ‘Apply’ button to view the report. The generated report is as follows:

The report shows the following details:


In this report, all the all positive and negative balances of all current accounts are netted for the quarter. The graph is shown in the positive or negative axis depending on the net.

In case of OD/CC, the accounts that have positive balance alone is included

If the customer segment is not mapped, the report is displayed without classification under the customer segment ‘Unclassified’.

The following actions are supported from this screen:

2.2.4 Liabilities Status

This report shows the value and count of active and dormant liabilities for the current business day. The generated report is as follows:

The report shows the following details:

You can click the values in the report to see the details.

The following actions are supported from this screen:

2.2.5 New Account Balances and Deposits

This report shows the number of new accounts, including those which are open and closed in a given quarter and the balance in each account. The details in this report are as of the last day of the previous quarter or current day of the running quarter selected.

. The generated report is as follows:

The report shows the following details:

The following actions are supported from this screen:

2.2.6 TD Maturing Status

This report shows the balance and interest details of term deposit accounts that are expiring within certain periods of time. The details are displayed as of the current business day. The generated report is as follows:

You can view the following details pertaining to TD(P), TD(I) and TD(P+I) accounts:

The following actions are supported from this screen:

2.3 Bank Scorecard II

This section contains the following topics:

2.3.1 Corporate Lending Statistics

This report displays corporate wise lending across industries. Each industry is associated with a credit rating. The percentage distribution of the amount financed across different credit ratings is displayed in this report. Any industry that is not associated to credit rating is shown as unclassified. The details are shown as of the previous business day. The generated report is as follows:

You can view the total amount financed in millions to each industry. You can click the links to drill down to the next levels for further details on each record.

This report displays the data for the Customer type ‘Corporate’.

The following actions are supported from this screen:

2.3.2 Retail Asset Book

This report displays the total advances and outstanding balances across different type of loans. Any Loan without a loan type is displayed under 'Unclassified' category. This report displays the data for the customer type ‘Individual’.

The generated report is as follows:

You can view the following details:

The following actions are supported from this screen:

2.3.3 Retail New Disbursements

This report shows the value and the number of new disbursements made across different types of retail loans for each quarter. This also shows the same details for each segment. This report displays the data for the customer type ‘Individual’.

The generated report is as follows:

You can view the following details:

The following actions are supported from this screen:

2.3.4 Corporate New Disbursements

This report displays the total disbursements across different type of corporate loans.


This report displays the data for the Customer type ‘Corporate’. The generated report is as follows:

You can view the following details:

The following actions are supported from this screen:

2.3.5 NPA Status

This report shows the details of non-performing assets for each segment. This report shows the details of the current business day. The generated report is as follows:

You can view the following details:

You can drill down to further levels by clicking the links.

The following actions are supported from this screen:

2.3.6 NPA Statistics

The generated report is as follows:

You can view the following details:

You can drill down to further levels by clicking the links.

The following actions are supported from this screen:

2.3.7 Total Loan Status

This report shows the status of loans for each quarter. The generated report is as follows:

You can view the following details:

The following actions are supported from this screen:

2.4 Bank Scorecard III

This section contains the following topics:

2.4.1 Interest Earned and Interest Paid

This report shows the interest earned and the interest paid for all loan accounts (active or liquidated) and accounts (open or closed) across quarters. Accruals are considered for this interest calculation. However, Nostro and Vostro accounts are not included. Select the year quarter and click ‘Apply’ button.


Bank Scorecard III will be deployed for Non Islamic Sites and  Sites having both CL and CI accounts.

The generated report is as follows:

You can view the following details:

The following actions are supported from this screen:

2.4.2 Interest Paid

This report shows the interest amount paid by the bank across account types for each quarter. Accruals are considered for these interest calculations. The generated report is as follows:

You can view the following details:

The following actions are supported from this screen:

2.4.3 Interest Earned

This report shows the interest earned across loan types for each quarter. The generated report is as follows:

You can view the following details:

The following actions are supported from this screen:

2.5 Enterprise Limits and Collateral Management

This section contains the following topics:

The reports that you can view from the dashboard are discussed below.

2.5.1 New Sanctioned Limit

The New Sanctioned limit report displays the details of new limit amounts sanctioned by the bank for all type of customers in a quarter and also it provides the pictorial representation of the newly sanctioned limit across various quarters

Analyze By

You can analyse the report by the following parameters.

Select the appropriate dimension from the drop down list and click ‘Apply’ button. The system displays the details of the new sanctioned limits in graph and tables, analysed based on the selected dimension.

You can also filter the reports based on the following parameters:

You can drill down to further levels by clicking the respective links, as illustrated below.

Analyze by Report

Drill Down values


Drill down values




New Limit Sanc­tioned by Seg­ment - Bank




New Limit Sanc­tioned by Seg­ment - Corporate

Group Code and Unclassified

New Limit Sanc­tioned by Seg­ment Corporate - Customer


New Limit Sanc­tioned by Seg­ment - Individual




Countries of the custom­ers where new limits has been sanctioned

New limit Sanc­tioned by Vari­ous list of countries



Business Segment

List of Busi­ness Seg­ments and Unclassified

New Limit Sanc­tioned by Busi­ness Segment Secured & Unsecured


New Limit Sanc­tioned by Busi­ness Segment - Secured


New Limit Sanc­tioned by Busi­ness Segment - UnSecured







List of Sec­tors and Unclassified

New Limit Sanc­tioned by Sector - Secured & Unsecured



Limit Type


New Limit Sanc­tioned by Type- Secured


New Limit Sanc­tioned by Type-Secured - Uti­lized - Business Segment


New Limit Sanc­tioned by Type-Secured - UnUti­lized - Business Segment


New Limit Sanc­tioned by Type- UnSecured


New Limit Sanc­tioned by Limit Type - Unse­cured - Utilized - Business Seg­ment





New Limit Sanc­tioned by Limit Type - UnSe­cured - Unuti­lized - Business Segment


Group Codes and Unclassified

New Limit Sanc­tioned by Group- Customer



Liability No

List of liabil­ity number





Industries and Unclas­sified

New Limit Sanc­tioned by Indus­try Secured & Unsecured


New Limit Sanc­tioned by Indus­try-Secured



New Limit Sanc­tioned by Indus­try-Unsecured

The following actions are supported from this screen:

2.5.2 Unutilized Limit

Unutilized limit report shows the details of limits which are not utilized in current quarter:

Analyze By

You can analyse the report by the following parameters.

Select the appropriate dimension from the drop down list and click ‘Apply’ button. The system displays the details of the unutilised limits analysed based on the selected dimension.

You can also filter the reports based on the following parameters:

2.5.3 Expired Line Status

This report displays the list of lines which are in expired status, By default it displays the report by sector and Business segment. User can also generate the report as per below mentioned parameters

Analyze By

You can analyse the report by the following parameters.

Select the appropriate dimension from the drop down list and click ‘Apply’ button. The system displays the details of the expired lines analysed based on the selected dimension.

You can also filter the reports based on the following parameters:

You can drill down to further levels by clicking the respective links, as illustrated below.

Analyze By Report

Drill Down values


Drill Down Values




Line Expired Status by Seg­ment - Bank




Line Expired Status by Seg­ment - Corpo­rate

Group Code and Unclassi­fied

Line Expired Status by Seg­ment - Corpo­rate - Liability No


Line Expired Status by Seg­ment - Individ­ual




Countries of the customers that are in expired status




Business Segment

List of Busi­ness Segments and Unclassi­fied

Line Expiry Sta­tus by Busi­ness Segment - Details

List of Busi­ness Segments and Unclassi­fied

Line Expiry Sta­tus by Busi­ness Segment - Limit - Details



Line Expiry Sta­tus by Quarter Details




List of Sectors and Unclassi­fied




Limit Type






Group Codes and Unclassi­fied




Liab No

List of liability number





Industries and Unclassified




The following actions are supported from this screen:

2.5.4 Expired Line Details

Expired line details report shows the list of expired lines, by default system shows the list of Overdue amount by period and Overdue count & value by limit type

Analyze By

You can analyse the report by the following parameters.

Select the appropriate dimension from the drop down list and click ‘Apply’ button. The system displays the details of the expired lines analysed based on the selected dimension.

You can also filter the reports based on the following parameters:

The following actions are supported from this screen:

You can view the following details:

You can drill down to further levels by clicking the respective links, as illustrated below

Analyze By Report

Drill Down values




Expiry Line Details by Period - Details






Countries of the customers that are in expired Line status

Expiry Line Details by Period - Details

Business Segment

List of Business Segments and Unclassified

Expiry Line Details by Period - Details



Expiry Line Details by Period - Details


List of Sectors and Unclassi­fied

Expiry Line Details by Period - Details

Limit Type


Expiry Line Details by Period - Details


Group Codes and Unclassi­fied

Expiry Line Details by Period - Details

Liab No

List of liability number

Expiry Line Details by Period - Details


Industries and Unclassified

Expiry Line Details by Period - Details

The following actions are supported from this screen:

2.5.5 Limits Sanctioned Vs Utilized

This report shows the details by comparing the limit sanctioned with utilized limits:

This report shows the details of sanctioned limits and the utilized limits:

Analyze By

You can analyse the report by the following parameters.

Select the appropriate dimension from the drop down list and click ‘Apply’ button. The system displays the details of the sanctioned and utilized limits based on the selected dimension.

You can also filter the reports based on the following parameters:

You can drill down to further levels by clicking the respective links, as illustrated below.

Analyze By Report

Drill Down values


Drill Down Values


Drill Down Values




Segment - Group - Details

Group Codes and Unclassi­fied

Segment - Group - Customer Details




Segment - Group - Details

Group Codes and Unclassi­fied

Segment - Group - Customer Details




Segment - Group - Details

Group Codes and Unclassi­fied

Segment - Group - Customer Details




Display the coun­try of the cus­tomer where Limit is sanc­tioned and uti­lized






Busi­ness Seg­ment

List of Busi­ness Seg­ments and Unclassi­fied

Business Segment wise Sanc - Utilized Details

Liab No and Unclassi­fied

Business Seg wise Sanc - Uti­lized Details Report











List of Sectors and Unclassi­fied

Sector - Sanc­tioned iuti­lized Limit - Type Details

List of Sec­tors and Unclassi­fied

Sector - Sanc­tioned Limit - Group - Details

List of Groups and Unclassi­fied

Sector - Sanc Limit - Top20 & Others Cust Details

Limit Type


Sanc­tioned - utlized Limit- Secured











Sanc­tioned -Uti­lized Limit- Un Secured






Group Codes and Unclassi­fied

Group - Liability No Details





Liab No

List of liability number







List of Indus­tries and Unclassi­fied

Industry - Sanc­tioned Limit - Type - Details

List of Industries and Unclassi­fied

Industry - Sanc­tioned Limit - Group - Details

List of Groups and Unclassi­fied

Industry - Sanc Limit - Top20 & Others Cust Details

The following actions are supported from this screen:

2.5.6 Limit Details

Limit details report shows the details of limits maintained in the system. This report is displayed in table format.

Analyze By

You can analyse the report by the following parameters.

Select the appropriate dimension from the drop down list and click ‘Apply’ button. The system displays the details of limits based on the selected dimension.

You can also filter the reports based on the following parameters:

The following actions are supported from this screen:

2.5.7 Credit Rating

Credit rating report shows the details of credits provided to various sectors classified based on the credit rating.

Analyze By

You can analyse the report by the following parameters.

Select the appropriate dimension from the drop down list and click ‘Apply’ button. The system displays the details of the credit ratings based on the selected dimension.

You can also filter the reports based on the following parameters:

You can drill down to further levels by clicking the respective links, as illustrated below..The following actions are supported from this screen:

Analyze By Report

Drill Down values




Credit Rating wise Utilization Report








Display the country of the customer where credit rating was performed.


Business Segment

List of Business Segments and Unclassified

Credit Rating wise Utilization Report



Credit Rating wise Utilization Report


List of Sectors and Unclassi­fied

Credit Rating wise Utilization Report

Limit Type


Credit Rating wise Utilization Report


Group Codes and Unclassi­fied

Credit Rating wise Utilization Report

Liab No

List of liability number

Credit Rating wise Utilization Report


Industries and Unclassified


2.5.8 Overdrawn Lines

This report shows the details of overdrawn lines.

Analyze By

You can analyse the report by the following parameters.

Select the appropriate dimension from the drop down list and click ‘Apply’ button. The system displays the details of the overdrawn lines based on the selected dimension.

You can also filter the reports based on the following parameters:

You can drill down to further levels by clicking the respective links, as illustrated below.

The following actions are supported from this screen:

2.5.9 Overdue Amount Recovery

This report displays the details of overdue amounts and the recovery status

Analyze By

You can analyse the report by the following parameters.

Select the appropriate dimension from the drop down list and click ‘Apply’ button. The system displays the recovery details of the overdue amount based on the selected dimension.

You can also filter the reports based on the following parameters:

You can drill down to further levels by clicking the respective links, as illustrated below.

Analyze By Report

Drill Down values




Overdue Amount Recovery Details






Display the country of the customer overdue details are maintained.

Overdue Amount Recovery Details

Business Segment

List of Business Segments and Unclassified

Overdue Amount Recovery by Busi­ness Segment Details


List of quarters

Overdue Amount Recovery by Quar­ter Details


List of Sectors and Unclassified

Overdue Amount Recovery by Sector Details

Limit Type


Overdue Amount Recovery Details


Group Codes and Unclassified


Overdue Amount Recovery Details

Liab No

List of liability num­ber


Overdue Amount Recovery Details


Industries and Unclassified

Overdue Amount Recovery Details

The following actions are supported from this screen:

2.5.10 Exposure Details

This report displays the details of exposure.

You can view this report for the following exposure types:

The following actions are supported from this screen:

2.5.11 Exposure Top 10 Liabilities

This report shows the exposure details for the top ten liabilities in the system

The following actions are supported from this screen:

2.6 Islamic Bank Scorecard

This section contains the following topics:

2.6.1 Profit Earned and Profit Paid

This report shows the profit earned and the profit paid for all Islamic loan accounts (active or liquidated) and accounts (open or closed) across quarters. Accruals are considered for this profit calculation. However, Nostro and Vostro accounts are not included. Select the year quarter and click ‘Apply’ button.


Islamic Bank Scorecard will be deployed for Islamic Sites.

The generated report is as follows:

You can view the following details:

The following actions are supported from this screen:

2.6.2 Profit Paid

This report shows the profit amount paid by the bank across account types for each quarter. Accruals are considered for these profit calculations. The generated report is as follows:

You can view the following details:

The following actions are supported from this screen:

2.6.3 Profit Earned

This report shows the profit earned across Islamic loan types for each quarter.


Loan Type value will be defaulted to Loan Product Category.

The generated report is as follows:

You can view the following details:

The following actions are supported from this screen:


2.7 Dynamic Reports

You can create dynamic reports using the Oracle FLEXCUBE Information Server RPD. In order to start with creation of a dynamic report, login to OBIEE system.

Click ‘New’ on the toolbar and select ‘Analysis’. You will be prompted to select the Subject Area.

Select ‘FLEXCUBE Information Server’ from the list.

Navigate to ‘Criteria’ tab.

On the left pane, expand the ‘FLEXCUBE Information Server’ subject area. You can find the following folders.


Data Type


Account Periods

Dimensional data

Displays the accounting periods maintained for the bank


Dimensional data

Displays all the branches maintained for the bank


Dimensional data

Displays all the currencies maintained for the bank


Dimensional data

Displays all the customers maintained for the bank.


Dimensional data

Displays all the dates from the start of accounting period to the end of accounting period

ELCM Limits Exposure

Dimensional Data

Displays limits exposure details maintained for the bank


Dimensional Data

Displays all the liabilities maintained for the bank

ELCM Track Exposure

Fact Data

Displays tracking details for exposure maintained for the bank

ELCM Facil­ity

Fact Data

Displays facility details maintained for the bank

ELCM Util Exposure

Fact Data

Displays utilization and exposure details


Fact data

This displays the general ledger balances availa­ble in the system

GL Master

Dimensional data

Displays all the general ledgers that are main­tained in the system

Asset Loans

Fact data

Displays all the assets of the bank, i.e. loans and overdrafts with negative balance

Liability CASA

Fact data

Displays the liabilities of the bank, i.e. the current and saving accounts

Overdraft accounts with positive balance are dis­played here


Dimensional data

Displays all the products that are maintained in the system

The subject areas and their descriptions are available in the following table:




Account Periods

Period Code

Code that identifies the period


Branch Code

Branch code


Start Date

Start date of the account period


End Date

End date of the account period


Financial Cycle

Financial cycle



Year of the account period



Half year of the account period



Quarter of the year of account period



Month of the period code


Branch Code

Branch code


Branch Name

Name of the branch


Branch Address 1

First line of the branch address


Branch Address 2

Second line of the branch address


Branch Address 3

Third line of the branch address


Branch LCY

Local currency of the branch


Closure Date

Date of closure of the branch


Country Code

Country code


Parent Code

Parent branch code


Parent Name

Parent branch name


Regional Office Code

Regional office code


Regional Office Name

Name of the regional office


Currency Code

Currency code


Currency Description

Currency description


Customer No

Customer number


Customer Name

Name of the customer


Short Name

Short name of the customer


Creation Date

Date of customer creation


Local Branch

Local branch of the customer


Customer type

Type of customer


Customer Status

Status of the customer. ‘O’ indicates ‘Open’ and ‘C’ indicates ‘Closed’.


Customer Category

Category to which the customer belong


Customer Classifica­tion

Classification of the customer


Customer Segment

Segment of the customer



Gender of the customer


Date of Birth

Date of birth of the customer



Whether the customer is deceased or not



Whether the customer details are fro­zen or not



Language of the customer



Country to which the customer belongs



Nationality of the customer


Whereabouts Unknown

Whether the whereabouts of the cus­tomer is known or not


Address Line 1

First line of the customer’s address


Address Line 2

Second line of the customer’s address


Address Line 3

Third line of the customer’s address


Address Line 4

Fourth line of the customer’s address


Credit Rating

Credit rating of the customer


Business Segment Code

Business Segment Code of the cus­tomer


Industry Code

Industry Code of the customer


Sector Code

Sector Code of the customer


Group Code

Group Code of the customer


Exposure Country

Exposure Country of the customer


Calendar Date

Calendar date, all dates from the start and end of accounting periods are available

Is Last Qtrday

The last working day of the quarter

Is Last Monthday

The last working day of the month

Half Year

Denotes whether it is the first half/sec­ond half of the financial year

Week Day

Shows whether the day is a weekday/weekend

Year Number

The year of the selected calendar date

Year Q Num

The quarter of the year of the selected calendar date

Quarter Name

The name of the quarter, i.e. Q1, Q2, Q3 or Q4

Quarter Number

The quarter number of the calendar date, i.e. 1, 2, 3 or 4

Month Name

The name of the month

Month Number

The number that represents the month based on the financial year. Q1 will have 1, 2, 3 or 4, Q2 will have 4, 5, 6 or 7 and so on.

Day Weekname

The name of the day of the calendar date, i.e. Monday, Tuesday etc.

ELCM Limits Ex­posure


End Date

The calendar date in Yyyymm format

Exposure ID

Exposure ID

Exposure Name

Exposure Name

Exposure Rating

Exposure Rating

Exposure Type

Exposure Type

Start Date

Start Date

Utilization Type

Type of Utilization

Valid Flag

Valid flag for validation

Exposure Code

Exposure Code


Liab Branch

Liability Branch Code

Liab Ccy

Liability Currency Code

Liab Name

Liability Name

Liab No

Liability Number

Valid Flag

For validation

Main Liab ID

Main Liability ID

ELCM Track Expo­sure

Exposure Currency

Exposure Currency

Exposure ID

Exposure ID

MIS Date

MIS Date

Available Amount FCY

Amount Available in Foreign Currency

Available Amount LCY

Amount Available in Local Currency

Exposure Amount FCY

Exposure Amount in Foreign Currency

Exposure Amount LCY

Exposure Amount in Local Currency

Utilisation FCY

Utilisation Amount in Foreign Currency

Utilisation LCY

Utilisation Amount in Local Currency

ELCM Facility


Currency Code


Facility ID

ID of each facility


Limit Type

Type of limit; Secured or unsecured


Main Liab ID

Main Liability ID


Liability Number

Liability Number


Line Code

Identifier for the line


Limit Sanctioned Date

Date on which limit is sanctioned


Limit Sanctioned FCY

Limit sanctioned in foreign currency


Limit Sanctioned LCY

Limit sanctioned in local currency


Limit Utilized FCY

Limit utilized in foreign currency


Limit Utilized LCY

Limit utilized in local currency


Line Amount Recov­ered FCY

Amount recovered in foreign currency


Line Amount Recov­ered LCY

Amount recovered in local currency


Line Exp Amount FCY

Expired amount in foreign currency


Line Exp Amount LCY

Expired amount in local currency


Line Expiry Date

Date on which line is expired


Matured Util Amount

Utilized amount matured


Mis Date

Business Date





New Liab Qtr

Flag for the new liability in the quarter


Overdrawn Amount Fcy

Amount overdrawn in foreign currency


Overdrawn Amount LCY

Amount overdrawn in local currency


Overdrawn Date

Date on which amount is overdrawn


Recovery Date

Date on which amount is recovered


Revolving Line

Flag to indicate that the line is Revolv­ing


Util Date

Date on which amount is utilized



Line status


Unutilized Limit LCY

Amount not utilized in local currency


% Unutilized

Percentage of unutilization


Prev Recovery Amount LCY

Amount recovered on previous date in local currency

ELCM Util Expo­sure

Available Amount FCY

Available amount in foreign currency


Available Amount LCY

Available amount in local currency


Exposure Amount FCY

Exposure amount in foreign currency


Exposure Amount LCY

Exposure amount in local currency


Exposure ID

Exposure ID


Utilization FCY

Utilization in foreign currency


Utilization LCY

Utilization in local currency


Exch Rate

Exchange rate


Exp Ccy

Exposure currency


Liab ID

Liability ID



Main Liab ID

Main Liability ID


Util Amt

Utilization Amount


Util Ccy

Utilization Currency


Util ID

Utilization ID


Liab Name

Liability Name


Liab No

Liability Number


Exp Util Fcy

Exposure utilized in foreign currency


Exp Util Lcy

Exposure utilized in local currency


Mis Date

Business Date


Cparty Appetite FCY

Counterparty appetite in foreign cur­rency


Cparty Appetite LCY

Counterparty appetite in local currency



Account Period Key

Account Period Key


ACY Today Turn Over Credit

Today’s credit turnover in account cur­rency


ACY Today Turn Over Debit

Today’s debit turnover in account cur­rency


Branch Code

Branch code


Branch Key

Branch Key


Credit balance

Credit balance


Credit Balance LCY

Credit balance in local currency



Currency code


Currency Key

Currency Key


Date Key

Date key


Debit Balance

Debit balance


Debit Balance LCY

Debit balance in local currency


Fct GI Key

Fct GI Key


Fin Year

Financial year


GL Code

General ledger code


GL Key

General Ledger Key


LCY Today Turn Over Credit

Today’s credit turnover in local currency


LCY Today Turn Over Debit

Today’s debit turnover in local currency


MIS Date

The Oracle FLEXCUBE system date on which GL balance information was extracted


Period Code

Period code


Asset/Liability Bal­ance

Balance in asset or liability

GL Master


The category of the GL


GL Code

The general ledger code


GL Description

The description of the general ledger


GL Key

General Ledger Key



GL that reports to a node GL and is not reported by any other GL


Parent GL

The parent GL

Liability CASA


Branch Key

Branch Key


Currency Key

Currency Key


Customer Key

Customer Key


Date Key

Date Key


MIS Date

The Oracle FLEXCUBE system date on which CASA information was extracted


Account Open Date

Date on which the account was opened


Account Status

Status of the account


Account Type

Type of the account


Account Number

Account number


Credit Accr Interest

Credit accrual interest


Credit interest

Credit interest


Dormant Account

Dormant account


Fct CASA Key

Fct CASA Key


Interest Pay Freq

Frequency of interest payment


Interest Rate

Rate of interest


Maturity Date

Maturity date


Branch Code

Branch code





Customer ID

Customer ID






Product code


TD Maturity Days

Number of days left for the TD to mature (Maturity Date - MIS Date)


Tenor Days

Tenor days

New Account Qtr

If the account is created during the cur­rent quarter, this is set to ‘Y’. Otherwise it is set to ‘N’..


Account Creation Date

Date of creation of account


Report Account Type

Report Account type


Maturity Amount

Maturity amount


Maturity Amount LCY

Maturity amount in local currency


Credit interest LCY

Credit interest in local currency


Account Balance

Account balance


Account Balance LCY

Account balance in local currency


Debit Accr Interest

Debit accrual interest


Debit Interest

Debit interest


Debit Interest LCY

Debit interest in local currency


Monthly Credit Inter­est

Monthly credit interest


Monthly Credit Inter­est LCY

Monthly credit interest in local currency


Monthly Debit Inter­est

Monthly debit interest


Monthly Debit Inter­est LCY

Monthly debit interest in local currency


Product Key

Product Key


Projected Interest Till Maturity LCY

Projected interest in local currency till maturity


Projected Interest Till Maturity

Projected interest till maturity


TD Amount

TD amount


TD Amount LCY

TD amount in local currency


MTD Interest Paid LCY

MTD interest paid terms of local cur­rency


Interest Earned LCY

Interest earned in terms of local cur­rency


Total No of Liabilities

Total number of liabilities

Assets Loans




Acc Type

Account type


Account Number

Loan account number


Account Status

Account status


Branch Key

Branch Key


Currency Key

Currency Key


Customer Key

Customer Key


Date Key

Date key


Fct Loan Key

FCT Loan Key


Maturity Date

Maturity Date of the loan


MIS Date

The Oracle FLEXCUBE system date on which loans information was extracted


Product Key

Product key


User Defined Status

User defined status


Value Date

Value date of the loan


Loan Type

Loan Type

Conventional Loans - Loan Type is a Loan Type product UDF

Islamic Loans - Loan Type is the Prod­uct Category


Customer ID

Customer ID






Product code


Branch Code

Branch code



Currency code


New Account Qtr

If the account is created during the cur­rent quarter, this is set to ‘Y’. Otherwise it is set to ‘N’..


Loan Book Date

Loan book date





Amount Disbursed

Amount disbursed


Amount Disbursed LCY

Amount disbursed in local currency


Amount Financed

Amount financed


Amount Financed LCY

Amount financed in terms of local cur­rency


Monthly Amount Dis­bursed

Monthly amount disbursed


Monthly Amount Dis­bursed LCY

Monthly amount disbursed in terms of local currency


Monthly Interest Earned

Monthly interest earned


Monthly Interest Earned LCY

Monthly interest earned in terms of local currency


Outstanding Balance

Outstanding balance


Outstanding Bal­ance LCY

Outstanding balance in terms of local currency


Total No of Assets

Total number of assets



Asset or Liability





Product Code

Product Code


Product Description

Product Description


Product End Date

End Date of the product


Product Key

Product Key


Product Start Date

Start date of the product


Product Type

Type of the product

For further details on ‘Branch’ and ‘Currency’, see Core Services user manual.

For further details on ‘Customer’, see Core Entities user manual.

For further details on ‘GL Master’, see General Ledger user manual.

For further details on ‘Liability CASA’, see Current Account and Savings Account user manual.

For further details on ‘Asset Loans’, see Retail lending user manual.

The subject areas that you select for a particular report decide the data that needs to be taken for generating the report. You can expand the folders mentioned above and select the columns that are required in the report.

Double-click a column name to add it to the report. The selected columns are displayed on the screen.

In order to add filters to the report, click the ‘Filter’ icon.

Click ‘Filter’ icon and select ‘More Columns’ to select the filters that you need to apply.

Select the required column and click ‘OK’ button. You will see the ‘New Filter’ window.

Select the operator and value. Click ‘OK’ button to add the filter. You can add more filters in the same manner.

The ‘Filters’ section of the screen displays all the selected filters.

Once you have added the filters and done the required edits, click ‘Results’ tab.

From this tab, you can add graphical representation of the data by using the new view button.

Select the type of graphical representation that you need to add.

OBIEE will display the graph in the result area.

You can drag and drop the items in the result and rearrange the display. If you wish to edit the properties of the graph, click Edit icon on the graph item toolbar,

Once the changes are made, click Save icon to save the report that you have created. OBIEE prompts you to specify the name of the report to save

Give an appropriate name to the report and click ‘OK’ button to save it.

You may also add this dynamic report to a dashboard in OBIEE.

For details on creating dashboards and adding reports to dashboard, refer to the documentation of Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.