2. Hajj Registration

Oracle FLEXCUBE generates handoff of Hajj registration form for the existing customers through outgoing Interface. However, this interface will not handle Hajj registration charges and calculations. When a batch is initiated, Hajj Registration interface related files from the system will be posted in ASCII format to the location maintained at ‘Interface Definition’ level and the External System will pick-up the file from the specified location. A static data store in Oracle FLEXCUBE helps to maintain the Hajj registration information for an existing customer.

This chapter contains the following sections:

2.1 Hajj Interface Details

The following are maintained for Hajj registration interface, internally:

The system creates a Dynamic Package for the maintained interface in which you can parse, concatenate, or format, if any.

Internally, the system maintains the following at different levels for the transfer of data from Hajj Registration interface:


Oracle FLEXCUBE validates and restricts duplicate upload of the file on the same date.

2.2 Hajj Registration Form

This section contains the following topic:

2.2.1 Maintaining Hajj Registration Details

Oracle FLEXCUBE provides a facility to maintain Hajj registration details for an existing customer. The details of customer registration for Hajj are saved in the system. You can create a new registration and update the details using ‘Hajj Registration Form’ screen. You can invoke ‘Hajj Registration Form’ screen by typing ‘STDCUSHR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You can maintain the following parameters here:

Customer No

Specify the customer number who wants to register for Hajj. The adjoining option list displays all valid customer numbers. You can choose the appropriate one.

Registration Year

Specify a valid period of Hajj registration for the specified customer number.


Then the system displays the message as ‘Then the Hajj Registration has already been done for the customer for the given period.’

Handoff Status

The system defaults the value of the Handoff status here.

Other Details

You can maintain the details of other parameters like religion and section here:


Specify religion of the specified customer.


Specify the sector within the religion for the specified customer.

Emergency Details

You can maintain the following emergency details here:

Medical History

Specify the medical history of the customer if suffering from any ailments.

Blood Group

Specify blood group of the customer registering for Hajj.

Contact in Emergency Case

Specify contact details of the contact to be contacted in emergency, if any for the customer.


Specify relationship of the emergency contact with the specified customer.

2.3 Hajj Registration Summary

This section contains the following topic:

2.3.1 Viewing Hajj Registration Form Details

You can view details maintained at Hajj Registration form using ‘Hajj Registration Summary’ screen. You can invoke ‘Hajj Registration Summary’ screen by typing ‘STSCUSHR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify any or all of the following parameters to query for Hajj Registration details:

Authorization Status

Select an authorization status of the Hajj registration based on which you need to view records from the adjoining drop-down list. This list provides the following options:

Record Status

Select an authorization status of the Hajj registration based on which you need to view record from the adjoining drop-down list. This list provides the following options:

Customer No

Specify a valid customer number based on which you need to view record from the adjoining option list

Handoff Status

Select handoff status of the hajj registration based on which you need to view record from the adjoining drop-down list. This list provides the following options:

Registration Year

Specify a valid hajj registration year based on which you need to view records. The adjoining option list displays a list of valid years. You can select the appropriate one.

Click ‘Search’ button. The system identifies all records satisfying the specified criteria and displays the following details for each one of them:

2.4 Interface Trigger

This section contains the following topic:

2.4.1 Activate Hajj Registration Interface

Oracle FLEXCUBE provides a facility to trigger Hajj Registration interface using the ‘Interface Trigger’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘GIDIFPRS’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.



Select ‘IFDCUSHR’ as the interface from the adjoining option list.

File Name

Select the file name you need to pick up from the configured location from the adjoining option list.

For more details refer Invoking of GI Process section of Generic Interface User Manual.

2.5 Process Hajj Registrations

This section contains the following topic:

2.5.1 Processing Hajj Registrations

Oracle FLEXCUBE uses GI to process Hajj Registration transactions and upload the details into respective tables. When you click the process button, the system generates an ASCII file with details of the authorized records maintained in the system; however, the system generates ASCII file only for unprocessed registrations would be. After generating ASCII file, the system places it under ‘Ready’ folder. The external system picks up this file and updates the Hajj registration status as ‘Processed’.

The following output fields are displayed as part of response:

Field Description Mandatory Data Type
Customer Number Yes Varchar2
Branch Yes Varchar2
Short Name Yes Varchar2
First Name Yes Varchar2
Middle Name Yes Varchar2
Last Name Yes Varchar2
Telephone Yes Varchar2
Fax No Varchar2
Email No Varchar2
Mobile Number No Number
National Id Yes Varchar2
Residential Status Yes Varchar2
Religion Yes Varchar2
Sect No Varchar2
Date Of Birth Yes Date
Sex Yes Varchar2
Marital Status Yes Varchar2
Passport Number Yes Varchar2
Issue Date Yes Date
Expiry Date Yes Date
Place Of Issue Yes Varchar2
Unique Id Value Yes Varchar2
Unique Id Name Yes Varchar2
Address 1 Yes Varchar2
Address 2 Yes Varchar2
Address 3 Yes Varchar2
Permanent Addr 1 Yes Varchar2
Permanent Addr 2 Yes Varchar2
Permanent Addr 3 Yes Varchar2
Country Yes Varchar2
Nationality Yes Varchar2
Language Yes Varchar2
Medical History Yes Varchar2
Blood Group Yes Varchar2
Contact In Emer­gency Case No Varchar2
Relationship No Varchar2
Registration Year Yes Varchar2
Status Yes Varchar2