2. RTGS Messages

Oracle FLEXCUBE supports processing of messages in RTGS network. Incoming credit payment, Return of Incoming Credit payment, Outgoing Credit payment, return of outgoing credit payment and Incoming debit are the messages dispatched and processed in RTGS networks.

This chapter contains the following section:

2.1 Details for RTGS Interface

This section contains the following topics:

You need to maintain the following details for this interface:

2.1.1 Maintaining External System

You need to specify the external system connected to the interface by using the ‘External System Maintenance’ screen. You can invoke the ‘External System Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘GWDEXSYS’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

In this screen, you can specify the following details:

External System

Specify ‘RTGS’ as the external system.

For more details refer Maintaining External System(s) Details section of Generic Interface User Manual.

2.1.2 Maintaining RTGS Interface Details

Generic Interface (GI) provides a facility to define format details and properties associated to interface file.OLE_LINK1 You can maintain format details and properties associated with RTGS interface file in the ‘Interface Definition’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘GIDIFTDF’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

The following details are maintained for PCRTGSIN interface here:

External System

Specify ‘BIS’ as external system.

Interface Code

Specify interface code as ‘PCRTGSIN’.

Interface Type

Select Incoming as interface type from the adjoining drop-down list.

File Path

Specify the directory path of the incoming files to be processed.

File Name

Specify the file name as per network.

Frequency Type

Select Multiple times in a day as the frequency type from the adjoining drop-down list.

Incoming File Mask

Select ‘Start With File Name’ as the incoming file mask from the adjoining drop-down list.

The interface details and the external system details are maintained using the Interface Definition Details and External System Maintenance screens. For more details refer Specifying Interface Definition Details section of Generic Interface User Manual.

2.1.3 Maintaining RTGS Messages

The following table specifies the various message types and the corresponding transaction code of RTGS Network:

Serial No Network (from Product) Message Type (Outgoing/ Incoming) Transfer Type Product Type(from Product Category) RTGS/SKN Message Name Message Description
1 RTGS Incoming Cus­tomer Incom­ing Credit Pay­ment 607 This is an Incoming RTGS Payment to the Customer. The Message Type received in the RTGS message will be “607” based on which the product type will be identified. Mapping between the message type and the corresponding Pay­ment product has to be provided based on which the transaction will be created.
2 RTGS Incoming Cus­tomer Return of Out­going Credit Pay­ment 610 This message is for return of Outgoing Payment. The first 16 charac­ters of the “Payment field” in the message contain the Reference number based on which the transaction will be identified.
3 RTGS Outgoing Payment Outgo­ing Credit 600 This message will be generated for the “Out­going Payment” trans­action using RTGS product.
4 RTGS Outgoing Payment Return of Incom­ing Credit 617 This message will be generated when the authorizer rejects the Incoming credit pay­ment
5 RTGS Incoming Payment RTGS Debit Notifi­cation 637  

2.1.4 Processing Incoming RTGS Message

The interface PCRTGSINC uploads the incoming payment files through RTGS networks. The incoming files uploaded in the ASCII format is placed in a specified folder and the path is mapped to GI maintenance.

Steps involved in File processing of Incoming RTGS Message:.

2.1.5 Processing Outgoing RTGS Message

The interface PCRTGSOUT uploads the outgoing payment files through RTGS networks. The outgoing files uploaded in the ASCII format is placed in a specified folder and the path is mapped to GI maintenance.

Steps involved in File processing of Outgoing RTGS Message: