5. Oracle FCDB – FCPB Interface

Oracle FLEXCUBE Direct Banking – Oracle FLEXCUBE Private Banking integration allows Oracle FLEXCUBE Direct banking business user to view and manage their investment portfolio available with Oracle FLEXCUBE Private Banking application using Single Sign On (SSO) with Oracle FLEXCUBE Direct Banking application. Hence, the business users shall be able to access FCPB application through FCDB login. This functionality is only available to the Retail Customers of the bank.

This document mentions all the prerequisites required for this integration. This SSO login enables the business user to access his wealth portfolio through Oracle FLEXCUBE Direct Banking within the same session. Once Oracle FLEXCUBE Private Banking is launched from Direct Banking, the sessions behave independent i.e. even if the business user logs out of Oracle FLEXCUBE Direct Banking, Oracle FLEXCUBE Private Banking session stays alive as per the session management policy set for Oracle FLEXCUBE Private Banking. The same also holds true if Oracle FLEXCUBE Direct Banking session has been terminated.

The Investment portfolio of the customer is also displayed in the Account Summary Widget and Account Summary Transaction if the customer is wealth enabled in FCDB and has a wealth portfolio in Oracle FLEXCUBE Private Banking system.

This chapter contains the following sections:

5.1 Session Management

For Single Sign On between Oracle FLEXCUBE Direct Banking and Oracle FLEXCUBE Private Banking, it is required that a new session be created in Oracle FLEXCUBE Private Banking whenever the user clicks on the “Wealth Management” link in Oracle FLEXCUBE Direct Banking.

Oracle FLEXCUBE Direct Banking invokes the Oracle FLEXCUBE Private Banking URL once the user clicks on the “Wealth Management” link. Following parameters are passed from FCDB to FCPB for the link invocation

Upon invocation of the Oracle FLEXCUBE Private Banking URL, Oracle FLEXCUBE Private Banking verifies the validity of the request by invoking a session validation business service exposed by Oracle FLEXCUBE Direct Banking. The service invoked for such session validation is SessionServiceInterface.SessionService.getSession. This service is invoked over through Webservice over SOAP. The following Webservice URL is exposed by FCDB for session validation:


This service validates the combination of Session ID, J Session ID, Customer Id and User’s Login entity ID as per the session maintained in Oracle FLEXCUBE Direct Banking.

For sample request and response messages and corresponding schema definitions for the XML, kindly refer section 5.

5.2 Customer Folio

Account Summary Transaction and Widget in Oracle FLEXCUBE Direct Banking displays the customer folio maintained at Oracle FLEXCUBE Private Banking. For viewing customer folio in Oracle FLEXCUBE Direct Banking, Oracle FLEXCUBE Private Banking exposes Restful Web Services.

The URL for the customer folio URL is:


Oracle FLEXCUBE Direct Banking invokes the above URL to get the response from Oracle FLEXCUBE Private Banking in an XML format. This response is unmarshalled into java object using context and supported jar of FCPB. Context is configured as Day Zero parameter in FCDB. The instrument types to be displayed on FCDB dashboard and transaction are also maintained as a day zero parameter in FCDB.

FCPB shared XSDS for customer folio which is used by FCDB to create FCPB.jar .This jar is added to FCDB server class path along with other external jars.

5.3 Message Process

All the messages shared between FCPB and FCDB follow a specific XML format.

The following steps are involved:

  1. The incoming message sent from FCPB also has a specific XML format. All the tags available in the request are mandatory. The value for tag “udfValue” when tag “udfName” is fldextsystems must be ‘PB’
  2. .The response message is then sent from FCDB after session validations.
  3. After the response message is sent, the customer folio response is received from FCPB.

5.4  Day 0 Parameters

There are few DAY 0 parameters maintained for this SSO integration.

<identity>.<usertype>. PWM.EXTER­NAL_URL FCPB Dashboard URL exposed by FCPB.
<identity>.<user­type>.PWM.REMOTE_PORT FCDB server port. This is sent for authenti­cation.
<identity>.<user­type>.PWM.REMOTE_ADDRESS FCDB server IP address. This is sent for authentication.
<identity>.<usertype>.WEALTH_DIMEN­TIONS_ID List of dimension’s id which configured at entity and user type level.
<identity>.WEALTH_DIMENTIONS_ID List of dimension’s id which configured at entity level. This is only check when there is no configuration at entity and user type level.
FCDB_FCPB.SEND.FCAT_REST_CON­TEXT FCPB context used for unmarshelling.
FCDB_F­CPB.SEND.FCAT_REST_METHOD FCPB customer folio URL invoking method(e.g. GET,POST)