5. Customer Interactions

Using Oracle FLEXCUBE, you can capture the interactions with the customers. This helps you to track and address the request of the customers. You can also capture the internal interactions (within the bank) triggered by the original interaction with the customer.

Consider the following examples.

Scenario 1

Mrs. Catherine calls up her Bank Helpdesk and informs that her Account has been debited twice for last evening’s ATM transaction. She complained that she has withdrawn 200 $ but her online account statement show 200 $ been debited twice.

Mr. Edward, the bank’s helpdesk representative Mr. Edward takes down her complaint and informs her that he will get back to her at the earliest. He logs an interaction by filling in the necessary details and assigns the interaction to Accounts department.

Mr. Jones from the Accounts department gets this in his dashboard and takes up the interaction and figures out the problem and takes steps to resolve the issue and credits back the 200$ to Mrs. Catherine’s account . Jones closes the interaction and gives the closure remarks “200$ debited extra accidentally, has been credited back to the Account. The bank is extremely sorry for the inconvenience caused and will take all steps to ensure that this does not happen again”.

Mrs. Catherine logs into her online account later and sees that her account balance has increased by 200$ and the closure remarks message in her inbox.

Scenario 2

Mr. John has a compliant regarding amount deducted from his current account. Assuming that it was an extra EMI deducted for a loan, he contacts Mr. Jonathan from Loans Department explaining his concern. Mr. Jonathan then opens an interaction for the customer. He finds out that the amount debited was not an EMI amount. So he assigns the interaction to Mr. Jones of the Accounting Department.

Mr. Jones concludes that the amount deducted was an annual maintenance fee. So he closes the interaction with a reply to the customer stating that the amount debited was an annual maintenance fee levied on the current account.

Mr. John receives this message on his inbox.

Scenario 3

Mr. Mark is interested in a new Term Deposit product for investment. He calls up the banks help desk number inquiring about the same. The bank’s helpdesk person opens a new interaction based on the details provided by Mr. Mark. The helpdesk person assigns the interaction to a TD role. This action will result in a query being raised to all the users mapped to that role.

Mr. Taylor from the Term Deposits department pickup up the interaction and assigns it to his subordinate Mr. Collin. Mr. Collin then responds to Mr. Mark with all the details of Term Deposit product.

Mr. Mark can view the message in his inbox.

This chapter contains the following sections:

5.1 Interactions in Oracle FLEXCUBE

The captured interactions are assigned to the corresponding users. The dashboard of respective bank user displays the interaction.

The details of the interaction during its life cycle are captured in such a way that it resembles an actual interaction. The details section will be in reverse chronological order with the most recent updates being shown in the top.

Consider the following example.

Step 1: Mrs. Catherine calls up her Bank and speaks to Mr. Edward from the Call Center “Helpdesk” of the bank informing that her Account has been debited twice for an ATM transaction that she carried out last evening. She complained that she has withdrawn 200 $ whereas her online account statement show 200 $ been debited twice.

Step 2: Mr. Edward takes down her complaint and informs her that he will get back to her at the earliest. He creates a new interaction. The below table is the snapshot.

Field Name


Interaction Details

$200 has been debited twice from 0008341002

HELPDSK Help Desk @12-FEB-2012 14:30

Step 3: Mr. Edward then assign the interaction to role mapped to accounts department (ACCDEPT_ROLE)

Field Name


Interaction Details

Assign to: HELPDESK Help Desk : ACCDEPT_ROLE Account Department

HELPDSK Help Desk @14-FEB-2012 14:30

$200 has been debited twice from 0008341002.

HELPDSK Help Desk @12-FEB-2012 14:30

Step 4: Mr. Jones from the Accounts department sees this in his dashboard and takes up the interaction and figures out the problem and takes steps to resolve the issue and credits back the 200$ to Mrs. Catherine’s account . Jones close the interaction and gives the closure remarks “200$ debited extra amount has been credited back to the Account. The bank is extremely sorry for the inconvenience caused and will take all steps to ensure that this does not happen again”.

Field Name


Interaction Details

Problem occurred due to faulty EOD batch (STBACC) maintenance. Corrected the batch.

Interaction Status: W: C

Assigned to: ACCDEPT_ROLE Account Depart­ment : JONES

JONES@14-FEB-2012: 15:01


Assigned to: HELPDESK Help Desk : ACCDEPT_ROLE Account Department

HELPDSK@14-FEB-2012 14:30


$200 has been debited twice from 0008341002.

HELPDSK Help Desk @12-FEB-2012 14:30

Closure Remarks


Display Closure Remarks to Cus­tomer

$200 debited extra amount has been credited back to the Account. The bank is extremely sorry for the inconvenience caused and will take all steps to ensure that this does not happen again

Step 5: Mrs. Catherine logs into her online account later and sees that her account balance has increased by 200$ and the closure remarks message in her inbox.

Example 2

Step 1: Mr. John has compliant regarding amount deducted from his current account. Assuming that it was an extra EMI deducted for a loan, he contacts Mr. Edward from Loans Department explaining his concern. Mr. Edward then opens an interaction assigned to his name and begins an analysis.

Field Name


Interaction Details

An amount of $23 has been debited from account 00073482.


Step 2: Mr. Edward finds out that that the amount debited was not an EMI amount. So he transfers the interaction to Mr. Jones from the Accounting Department asking him to look into the matter







Field Name


Interaction Details

The debited amount is not EMI amount. Mr. Jones, please look into this.

Assigned to: EDWARD (user name/role of the user is displayed: JONES (user name/role of the user is displayed)

Department: LOAN : ACC

EDWARD@15/2/20 12:05


An amount of $23 has been debited from account 00073482.


Step 3: Mr. Jones concludes that the amount deducted was an annual maintenance fee. So he closes the interaction with a reply to the customer stating that the amount debited was an annual maintenance fee levied on the current account.

Field Name


Interaction Details

Debited amount is an annual fee on current account.

Interaction Status: W : C

Status: WIP : Closed

JONES@15/2/2012 7:35


The debited amount is not EMI amount. Mr. Jones, please look into this.

Assigned to: EDWARD (user name / role of the user is displayed)

JONES user name / role of the user is displayed) Interaction Status: O: W

Department: LOAN : ACC

EDWARD@15/2/20 12:05


An amount of $23 has been debited from account 00073482.


Closure Remarks


Display Closure Remarks to Cus­tomer

Please note that the debited amount is an annual maintenance fee levied on the current account.

Step 4: Mr. John receives this message on his inbox.

Example 3

Step 1: Mr. Mark is interested in a new Term Deposit product for investment. He calls up the banks help desk number inquiring about the same. The bank’s helpdesk person opens a new interaction based on the details provided by Mr. Mark.

Field Name


Interaction Details

Provide details about product TD04


Step 2: Helpdesk person assigns the interaction to TD department (TDDEPT). The system auto assigns the interaction to TD role (TD_ROLE). This action will result in a query being raised to all the users mapped to that TD role.

Field Name


Interaction Details

Assigned to: HELPDESK Help Desk: TD_ROLE



Provide details about product TD04


Step 3: Mr. Taylor from the Term Deposits department pickup up the interaction an assigns it to his subordinate Mr. Collin.

Field Name

New Value

Interaction Details

Mr. Collin, Please clarify the customer with the required details.

Interaction Status: O : W

Assigned to: TD_ROLE : COLLIN


TAYLOR@11/2/2012 3:45


Assigned to: HELPDESK Help Desk : TD_ROLE

HELPDESK Help Desk @11/2/2012:1:35


Provide details about product TD04


Step 4: Mr. Collin then responds to Mr. Mark with all the details of Term Deposit product.

Field Name


Interaction Details

Providing details.

Interaction Status: W: R

Assigned to: TD_ROLE : COLLIN

COLLIN@15/2/2012 20:43


Mr. Collin, Please clarify the customer with the required details.

Interaction Status: O : W

Assigned to: TD_ROLE : COLLIN

TAYLOR@11/2/2012 3:45


Assigned to: HELPDESK Help Desk : TD_ROLE



Provide details about product TD04


Closure Remarks


Display Closure Remarks to Cus­tomer

Product Name: TD04

Rate of Interest: 10%

Redemption period: 5 years

5.2 Create Interactions

This section contains the following topics:

5.2.1 Creating Interactions

You can create an interaction using the ‘Interaction Input’ screen. To invoke this screen, type ‘ITDINTRN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

In this screen, you need to specify the following information:

Interaction Details

Interaction ID

The system generates and displays the interaction ID. This is a unique identifier of the interaction.

Interaction Status

The system displays the interaction status as ‘Open’. However, you can modify the interaction status. The drop-down list displays the following statuses:

Customer ID

Specify the customer ID. The option list displays all valid customer IDs maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.

Customer Name

Based on the customer ID selected, the system displays the name of the customer.


Specify the corresponding Department. You can also click on the adjoining option list and select the corresponding Department.

Other Department

Specify other departments, if any.


Select the category to which the interaction is being assigned to from the following options:

Assigned To

Specify the bank user or role, to which the interaction needs to be assigned by clicking on the adjoining option list.

Interaction Category

Select the category of the corresponding interaction from the following list:


Select the venue of the corresponding interaction from the following list:

Interaction Date

Specify the date when the interaction started. The system defaults the interaction date in accordance with the system date and branch offset. Interaction Date cannot be future dated.

Interaction Time

Specify the time when the interaction started. The system defaults the interaction time in 24 hours format.

Senior Management Involved

Select the corresponding senior management involved from the following options:

Other Offices Involved

Specify other offices involved, if any.

Last Changed On

Last Changed On is a read-only field displaying the date and time of the last modification.


The system defaults the priority as Low. Select the priority of the corresponding interaction from the following list:

Target Closure Date

Specify the tentative interaction closure date that was communicated to the customer.

Interaction Mode

Select the mode of interaction from the following options:


Specify a subject for the corresponding interaction.


Specify the additional details if the corresponding interaction, if any.

Original Request

Specify the initial interaction message.

Documents Presented

Specify the details of the documents presented.

Display Closure Remarks for Customer

Select the option to specify whether to display closure remarks for customer or not. The system defaults the Closure Remarks for Customer as ‘Yes’.

Closure Remarks

Specify the closure remarks


Closure Remarks is mandatory if ‘Display Closure Remarks to Customer’ is opted; and In­teraction Status belongs to the following options:

Direct Access Channel

The system displays the Direct Access Channel as checked if interaction is initiated from FCDB-Direct access channels

External System User ID

The system displays the system user ID of FCDB.

Channel User ID

The system displays the channel used by FCDB for the interaction.

5.2.2 Uploading Documents

You can upload documents during interaction using 'Document Upload' screen. These documents are retrievable to the bank users or customers involved in the interaction. To invoke this screen, click 'Documents' button in 'Interaction Input' screen.

You can specify the following details here:

Document Category

Select the appropriate Document Category from the adjoining option list.

Document Type

Select the appropriate Document Type from the adjoining option list.

Document Reference

System displays the document reference number when you upload the document in the server.


Provide the additional remarks related to the document to be uploaded.


Click 'Upload' button to upload the document.

You can browse through the document path and click 'Submit' to generate the document reference number.


Click 'View' button to retrieve and view the uploaded document.

System stores the uploaded documents in the server as a binary image in the Web Content Management Repository. The bank users and customers will be able to retrieve these documents and documents related information during interaction enquiries.

5.2.3 Viewing Interaction Summary

You can view the summary of all interaction created in Oracle FLEXCUBE using the ‘Interactions Summary’ screen. To invoke this screen, type ‘ITSINTRN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You can search for the interactions based on one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have set the search parameters, click the ‘Search’ button. The summary screen displays the following information:

5.2.4 Viewing Interactions on User Dashboard

You can view the interaction details through ‘Dashboard Maintenance, screen. You can invoke this screen by clicking on the ‘Interactions’ tab available on the main screen.

The interaction dashboard is mapped to the role ‘IT-CONV-VW’.

The dashboard displays the following information pertaining to the first five interactions:

You can use the arrow buttons on the top right corner of the dashboard to view the next/previous set of interactions.

The system displays the interaction details in the following sequence starting with the oldest interaction:

  1. Assigned to me and Open
  2. Assigned to my role and Open
  3. Assigned to me and in WIP status
  4. Assigned to my role and in WIP status
  5. Assigned to me and in Pending with customer status
  6. Assigned to my role and in Pending with customer status