1. Preface

1.1 Introduction

The objective of this manual is to provide an understanding to the Oracle FLEXCUBE implementation team at Oracle Financial Services Software and the site, of the various steps, components, tasks and requirements to implement Oracle FLEXCUBE.

This manual highlights the most common implementation activities to be performed. Further, detailed background information on the objectives and the requirements for each major implementation task is also provided in the manual.

This manual applies to Oracle FLEXCUBE implementations in all business units. Some of the activities may be carried out in parallel and will commence well in advance of the actual Oracle FLEXCUBE installation. Because of this, each branch will have a designated project manager from Oracle Financial Services (formerly i-flex), who will coordinate all activities.

It is important to establish what an Oracle FLEXCUBE implementation involves. This can be broadly divided into three phases, as follows:

Pre-Implementation phase consists of all activities that have to be carried out before the project team from Oracle Financial Services (formerly i-flex) arrives at the site. These activities typically include recommending the hardware configuration needed for Oracle FLEXCUBE, preparation of the project plan and identifying the project team from Oracle Financial Services (formerly i-flex). On the client side, the activities could include installing and setting-up the hardware, network, system software and ensuring the availability of other facilities requested by Oracle Financial Services (formerly i-flex).

Implementation phase consists of installing Oracle FLEXCUBE software, user training, data base design and financial conversion leading up to the start of parallel run. Our project manager is responsible for installing Oracle FLEXCUBE software and conducting user training. The project manager will also provide all necessary help to the branch users for other activities in this phase and coordinate with the branch officer responsible for this phase to ensure success.

Parallel Run will involve running existing system along with Oracle FLEXCUBE and reconciliation of the output until dropping off the old system and going live on Oracle FLEXCUBE.

The Oracle FLEXCUBE Implementation team, under the auspices of the Project Manager will assist the branch in completing each phase of the implementation task.

1.2 Audience

This manual is intended for the following User/User Roles:

Role Function
Back office data entry Clerks Input functions for maintenance related to the interface.
Back office Managers/Officers Authorization functions.

1.3 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.

1.4 Organization

This manual covers all the necessary stages involved with implementing Oracle FLEXCUBE in any banking or financial services organization. The manual is organized as follows:

Chapter Description
Chapter 1 About this Manual gives information on the intended audience. It also lists the various chapters covered in this User Manual.
Chapter 2 The Homework describes the structure of Implementation teams and the Project plan. The project plan explains all the major activities such as who is responsible and start/completion dates. It is to be used by the Project Manager from Oracle Financial Services (formerly i-flex) and Senior Branch Manager as a Navigation Chart in determining quickly where we are, what has been done, what remains to be done. The plan is updated weekly or twice a month and distributed to Branch Management, Oracle Financial Services (formerly i-flex) Management and Audit Division.
Chapter 3 Audit Requirements describes the necessary procedures to be used dur­ing the implementation of Oracle FLEXCUBE.
Chapter 4 Database Design describes the essential information gathering process for designing the Database. Database design for the purpose of this section mainly involves identifying the Bank/Branch level and core parameters, designing chart of account, crystallizing front end products and product level parameters, Limits and MIS requirements.
Chapter 5 Data Input describes suggested methodology translation of the Database set-up plan in chapter 5 into the Oracle FLEXCUBE Table. The activity pri­marily involves static database (non-financial) input.
Chapter 6 Database Callback describes the tables and fields that have to be verified after the initial Database design and input is completed. Based upon the review further changes maybe required and the callback performed on an ongoing basis, until the database is correctly setup.
Chapter 7 System Trial Run describes how the branch staff should conduct a trial run of the system to ensure that Oracle FLEXCUBE software and hardware is functioning properly and in a controlled manner.
Chapter 8 Financial Conversion describes how the conversion process (loading of financials into Oracle FLEXCUBE for the first time) will take place for branches that are currently manual or migrating from an existing auto­mated system including MicroBanker to Oracle FLEXCUBE.
Chapter 9 Parallel Run explains how the postings on Oracle FLEXCUBE and the existing system (manual or otherwise) will be conducted, the callbacks and reconciliation to be performed.
Chapter 10 Contingency Plan describes the procedures to be followed in case of dis­ruption of business due to abnormal or emergency situations.
Chapter 11 Post- Implementation Review describes the criteria to be used in a post- implementation review, which will be conducted by QAG team from Oracle Financial Services (formerly i-flex). The thrust of this review is to ensure that the implementation process, as defined in the Implementation Manual has been followed, audit/control issues have been adhered, and how the next implementation can be improved. Relevant feedback from this review will be incorporated into the implementation manual.
Chapter 12 Implementation Sign-Off describes the list of activities to be completed before getting sign-off from the branch.


1.5 Abbreviations and Abbreviations

The following abbreviations and jargon have been used in the manual:

Abbreviation Description
DBA Database Administrator
GL General Ledger
OS Operating System
POIROT Problem Incident Recording and Tracking System
RDBMS Relational Database Management System
BC Bills & Collections
FT Funds Transfer
FX Foreign Exchange
IC Interest & Charges
LC Letters of Credit
LD Loans & Deposits
MM Money Market
RE Reconciliation
SE Securities
SI Standing Instructions
SV Signature Verification
SFR Software Fix Report
SPC Single Point of Contact
Front end Refers to FX, MM, FT, LD, LC, BC, SE and SI modules

1.6 Glossary of Icons

This User Manual may refer to all or some of the following icons:

Icons Function
  Add row
  Delete row
  Option List