15. Queries and Reports

Information about the application of interest or charges on accounts can be retrieved in many ways. You can retrieve data in two ways:

When you seek information in the form of a display, on the basis of certain parameters, you perform a ‘query’. Typically, you would ‘query’ (the system) to provide your customer with immediate information, such as the interest accrued on an account, the interest rates applicable, etc.

This chapter contains the following sections:

15.1 Online Queries

This section contains the following topics:

15.1.1 Accessing Online Queries

You can access the following information in the form of on line queries:

15.1.2 The Interest Applicable on an Account

The IC online calculation function gives you the amount of interest applicable on an account, for the current liquidation period. You can get the interest applicable based on the following criteria, for accounts in your branch:

15.1.3 Single account

You can invoke the screen by typing ‘ICDCALAC’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

15.1.4 Multiple Accounts

You can invoke the screen by typing ‘ICDMCALC’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

Choosing specific accounts to calculate interest

If you have chosen to calculate interest for specific accounts or products, choose the account or product from the option list.

Choosing specific account classes to calculate interest

If you have chosen to calculate interest for specific account classes, choose the account class or product from the option list.

Choosing a combination of products and accounts, or account classes

To calculate interest for selected accounts or account classes, and selected products, select the product list first. You can then select the accounts or account classes.

Specifying the destination

You can direct the information to one of the following destinations:

Select the required destination.

Contents of the report

The report provides the following information:

The Header:

Field Name Description
Bank and branch This is the name of your bank and the branch through which you are logged in
User id The user id of the person who is generating the report is printed
Account Number This is the account number for which you are generating the report
Branch Date The current system date
Date and Time The date for which you are generating the report
Currency The currency of the account is included in the report


The Body:

The report also includes the following information

15.2 Interest Calculation - Projected

This section contains the following topics:

15.2.1 Generating Interest Calculation - Projected Report

The IC Interest Calculation (projected) function gives you the projected interest applicable on an account, for the current liquidation period. You can get the interest applicable based on the following criteria, for accounts in your branch:

Specifying the Destination

You can direct the information to one of the following destinations:

Select the required destination.

15.2.2 Contents of the Report

The report provides the following information:

The Header:

Field Name Description
Bank and branch This is the name of your bank and the branch through which you are logged in
User id the user id of the person who is generating the report is printed
Account Num­ber this is the account number for which you are generating the report
Branch Date this is today’s date current
Date and Time this is the date as of which you are generating the report
Currency the currency of the account is included in the report


The Body:

The report also includes the following information

15.3 Liquidation Control List

This section contains the following topics:

15.3.1 Generating Liquidation Control List Report

The Liquidation Control list provides details of all liquidations that were done for a period that you specify in the Liquidation Control list options. You can invoke the screen by typing ‘ICRLIQR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters here:

From Date

Specify the date from when you want to generate the Liquidation Control report from adjoining calendar.

To Date

Specify the date till when you want to generate the Liquidation Control report from adjoining calendar.

Formula Type

Select the type of formula used to calculate the interest from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:

15.3.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report. Other content displayed in the Liquidation Control Report is as follows:


The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description
Branch Indicates Branch Code and Branch Name
User ID Indicates User ID
Date & Time Indicates the Date and Time when the report was generated
Module Indicates module for which report is generated.
Period Indicates the from and to date between which the report is generated
Formula Type Formula Type (Booked or Tax)

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description
Account Indicates account number of the customer
Description Indicates short description specified for the account number
Product Indicates Product ID mapped to the account
Formula Number Indicates reference number for the form
Currency Indicates currency code of the account
Book Currency Indicates the currency code of the book
Book Account Indicates account number of the book
Book Currency Amount Indicates amount in the book currency
LCY Amount Indicates amount in local currency

15.4 The Accrual Control List

This section contains the following topics:

15.4.1 Generating the Accrual Control List

The Accrual Control list provides details of all accruals that were done for a period that you specify in the Accrual Control list options.

You can invoke the screen by typing ‘LDRPACCR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

This period should be specified by providing the From and To dates of the period. Since accruals are normally done at a regular frequency, say monthly, you should take the report as of which the accrual entries were passed. To take the report as of a particular date, enter it at both From and to Date prompts.

15.4.2 Contents of the Report

This report gives the following details for all accounts on which interest is accrued (in the order of the dates as of which accruals were done):

Field Name Description
Account This is the account for which accrual details are being reported.
Product This is the product code of the product to which the account is linked. An account can be linked to more than one product. In such a case, the accrual due to each product is shown separately.
Currency This is the currency of the account.
Formula number This is the number of the booking formula in the rule due to which the accruals have been made. A rule may have more than one booking for­mula linked to it. In such a case, the accrual due to each booking formula is shown sep­arately.
Current Accrual This is the amount accrued during the accrual session being reported.
Lcy Equiva­lent If the account is in a foreign currency, the LCY equivalent of the current accrual amount will be shown. The conversion will be as of the date on which the accrual entries were passed.
Accruals to date This is the total interest (in the account currency) that has been accrued on the account till the date as of which the Accrual Control report is generated.
Accrual A/C This Is the account into which the accrual entries were passed. To recall, one leg of the accrual entry is passed into a receivable or paya­ble account while the other is passed to a profit or loss account.
P&L A/C This is the profit or loss account into which the accrual entries were passed. To recall, one leg of the accrual entry is passed into a receiva­ble or payable account while the other is passed to a profit or loss account.

15.5 The Maintenance for Interest Statements Report

This section contains the following topics:

15.5.1 Generating Interest Statement Report

You can generate an interest statement whenever interest due to a rule is liquidated. In an interest statement, you can have the various values reported under specific headings. The Maintenance for Interest Statement report furnishes details of maintenance related activities carried out on interest statement headers for interest rules.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘ICRISFM’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

In the Interest Statements Maintenance Report screen, enter the Rule ID and the Formula Number from which you want to generate the report and the Rule ID and the Formula Number upto which you would like generate the report.

15.5.2 Contents of the Report

The report contains the following information:

Printing details of rules

You can print the details of the interest rules that you have maintained in your bank. You can choose to retrieve information on all or select rules maintained.

For generating a report on select rules, you should specify the From and To Rule IDs. The details of rules falling in this range, alphabetically, will be generated. To retrieve details of a single rule, enter its Rule ID in both the From and To fields.

The Header:

Field Name Description
Branch This is the branch through which you are logged in.
User ID The user id of the person who is generating the report is printed.
Module This is the module of the report.
Branch Date This is the current system date.
Date and Time This is the date for which you are generating the report.


The Body:

The report also includes the following information for each rule:

Field Name Description
Rule ID Indicates the ID of the rule which when applied resulted in the matching of the entries.
Element This is the description regarding the element.
Language The selected language for communication.
Hdr The main header.
Maker ID The Login ID of the user who has performed the activity or event on the bill.
Formula Number The reference number for the form.
Single Line This is the description regarding the single line.
Maker date stamp This is the date on which the clause was entered.
Checker ID This is the Login ID of the user who authorized the clause.
Checker date stamp This is the date on which the clause was authorized.
Mod No. Displays the number of times the record was modified.
Auth Stat This is the authorization status of the clause.
Record Stat This is the Status of the clause record. It could be open or closed.

15.6 The SDE Details Report

This section contains the following topics:

15.6.1 Generating the SDE Details Report

You can print the detail of the SDEs that you have maintained in your bank.

For generating a report on selected SDEs, you should specify the From and To SDE IDs; the details of SDEs falling in this range, alphabetically, will be generated. To retrieve details of a single SDE, enter it in both the From and To fields.

15.6.2 Contents of the Report

The Header

Field Name Description
Bank and branch This is the name of your bank and the branch through which you are logged in.
User id the user id of the person who is generating the report is printed
Branch Date the current system date
Date and Time the date for which you are generating the report


The Body

The report also provides the following information:

15.7 The Product Details Report

This section contains the following topics:

15.7.1 Generating the Product Details Report

You can print, in the form of a report, the details of products you have maintained in your bank. In the ‘Select Records to Print’ option you can specify the products that you would like to include in the report.

For generating a report on selected products, you should specify the From and To Product IDs; the details of products falling in this range, alphabetically, will be generated. To retrieve details of a single product, enter it in both the From and To fields.

15.7.2 Contents of the Report

The Header

The Body

The report includes the following details:

15.8 Report on Interest Calculation Details

This section contains the following topics:

15.8.1 Generating Interest Calculation Details Report

The Interest Calculation Details reports all the interest calculated of your branch,

This report also indicates the rule id that is used to match the entries in the case of the entries that were automatically matched. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘ICRIPICRIP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Click ‘OK’ button to generate the ‘Interest Calculation Details’ report, click ‘Exit’ to return to the Reports Browser.

You can calculate the interest with following options:

The calculations are displayed based on the type of detail selected.

15.8.2 Contents of the Report

The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the Branch of the report, information on the branch date, the ID of the user who generated the report, the date and time at which it was generated and the module of the report.

Body of the Report:

Field Name Description
Account This is the description regarding the account
Currency The currency of the external account
Rule Id Indicates the ID of the rule which when applied resulted in the matching of the entries.

15.9 Savings YTD Interest Report

This section contains the following topics:

15.9.1 Generating the Saving YTD Interest Report

System accrues and applies interest for savings and current accounts based on the parameters maintained at the product level. Branches will be interested to know the interest accrual and the application amount for a whole financial year i.e. from 1st April to 31st March. This information will also be required by the customers for tax purpose. Hence, you can generate year to date (YTD) report which details the interest accrual, interest received and paid amount. This report will generate a savings YTD report for a specified branch, for the current financial year.

The accounts are grouped based on the product. You can invoke ‘Savings YTD Interest Report’ screen by typing ‘ICRSAYTD’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters here:

Branch Code

Specify a valid code of the Branch in which report is being generated, from the adjoining option list.

Account Number

Specify a valid account number maintained in the specified Branch for which you wish to generate report, from the adjoining option list.

Financial Year

Specify a valid financial year for which you wish to generate the interest accrual report from the adjoining option list.

From Customer

Specify a valid customer ID from whom the interest was accrued from the adjoining option list.

To Customer

Specify a valid customer ID to whom the interest was accrued from the adjoining option list.

From Date

Specify a valid date from when you wish to generate the interest accrual report from the adjoining calendar.

To Date

Specify a valid date till when you wish to generate the interest accrual report from the adjoining calendar.

Report Format

Select the format in which you need to generate the report from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:

Report Output

Select the output in which you need to generate the report from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:

Printer At

Select location where you wish to print the report from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:


Select printer using which you wish to print the report from the adjoining option list.

15.9.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report. Other content displayed in the Savings YTD Interest Report is as follows:


The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description
Report Name Indicates Report Name
Branch Code / Branch Name Indicates Current Branch code and Branch Name
User ID Indicates the Identification of the User
Module Indicates the Module of the Report
Report Run Date Indicates Current Branch Date
Report Run Time Indicates Current Branch Time
Branch Date Indicates the date of Branch in which report is taken.
Page No Displays Page No out of total No of pages in report.

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description
Product Indicates the product code
Product Name Indicates the name of the product
Currency Indicates the currency of the transaction
Account Number Indicates Account Number
Account Name Indicates the account name
Interest Paid Indicates the interest paid
Interest Received Indicates the interest received
Interest Accrued Indicates the accrued interest
Interest Receivable Indicates the receivable interest

15.10 Report of TD linked to Overdraft Account

This section contains the following topics:

15.10.1 Generating TD linked to Overdraft Account Report

You can generate the reports of TD’s linked to the overdraft account of the customer from the ‘TD Linked to OD Account Report’ screen. You can invoke the screen by typing ‘TDRLNKOD’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following details here:

Branch Code

Specify the branch code of the customer. The adjoining option list displays all the branch codes maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.


Specify the customer number. The adjoining option list displays all the customer numbers maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Report Format

Select the format in which you want the report to be generated from the options provided in the drop-down list. The following options are available:

Report Output

Select the output for the report from the options provided. The following options are available:


Specify the name of the printer or select it from the option list provided. All the configured printers are displayed in the list.

15.10.2 Contents of the Report


The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description
Branch Indicates Branch Name
Branch Date The current system date
Module The Oracle FLEXCUBE module for which the report is gener­ated
Run Date Indicates Date on which report is generated
User Id Indicates Operator ID
Run Time Indicates Run Time
Page No. The page number of the report

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description
Branch Indicates branch
Customer No Indicates Customer No
Customer Name The name of the customer
Account Number The account number of the CASA account to which TD is linked
Account Open Date The date on which the CASA account was created
Linked TD Account Indicates the linked term deposit account
TD Branch Indicates the term deposit branch
Linked Amount Indicates the linked amount of the TD
Applicable Interest Rate Indicates the applicable interest rate
Interest Spread Indicates the interest spread
Rate of Interest Indicates the rate of interest

15.11 Accrual Control List Report

This section contains the following topics:

15.11.1 Generating Accrual Control List Report

You can invoke ‘Accrual Control List Report’ screen by typing ‘ICRACCR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters here:

From Date

Specify a valid date from when you wish to generate the interest accrual report from the adjoining calendar.

To Date

Specify a valid date till when you wish to generate the interest accrual report from the adjoining calendar.

15.11.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report. Other content displayed in the Savings YTD Interest Report is as follows:


The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description
Report Name Indicates Report Name
Branch Code / Branch Name Indicates Current Branch code and Branch Name
User ID Indicates the Identification of the User
Module Indicates the Module of the Report
Report Run Date Indicates Current Branch Date
Report Run Time Indicates Current Branch Time
Branch Date Indicates the date of Branch in which report is taken.
Page No Displays Page No out of total No of pages in report.

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description
Accrual Date Indicates the accrual date
Account Indicates the account
Description Gives a brief description on the account
Product Indicates the product
Formula Number Indicates the formula number
CCY Indicates the currency
Current Accrual Indicates the current accrual
Accruals to Date Indicates the accruals to date
Accrual Account Indicates the accrual account
P&L Account Indicates the P&L Account
Current Accrual in LCY Indicates the current accrual in local currency