Siebel Dealer Administration Guide > Managing Marketing Campaigns (Dealer) >

Scenarios for Using Siebel Dealer for Marketing

This scenario gives several examples of how dealers use Siebel Dealer's marketing features. Your dealers might use these features differently, depending on your business model.

Some typical uses of Siebel Dealer for marketing are:

  • Dealers can view personalized promotions that the OEM sends to target customers, so they can follow up on these promotions when the customers come to the showroom.
  • Dealers can run email campaigns to tell prospects about sales events. For example, a dealer could search for all customers who expressed interest in a specific model in the past month and send email to them to tell them that there will be a sales event for that model.
  • Dealers can search for prospects who requested follow-ups and schedule activities to have sales representatives call these prospects.
  • Dealers can search for and send personalized letters to customers whose leases are about to expire, to up-sell vehicles to these customers.
  • Dealers can run follow-up campaigns after OEM recalls. A dealers can search for customers who own the vehicles with the recall code, search for customers who have already brought the vehicle for service, and send a reminder offer to customers who own the vehicle and have not gotten the needed service.
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