Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide > Administering a Workflow Process > Process of Administering a Workflow Process >

Stopping a Workflow Process Instance

If persistence is defined for a workflow process, then you can stop an instance of that workflow process. Siebel CRM removes the instance after it stops. You cannot stop an instance that is in a run, wait, or error state. Stopping an instance is different than purging an instance. For more information, see Removing a Workflow Process from the Log File.

CAUTION:  Siebel CRM cannot resume a stopped instance of a workflow process.

To stop a workflow process instance

  1. In the All Workflow Process Instances list of the Workflow Instance Admin view, query the Process Name field for the workflow process you must stop.

    For more information, see Administering Workflow Process Instances.

  2. In the Related Instances list, choose the instance you must stop.
  3. In the applet menu, choose Stop Instance.

Stopping a Workflow Process Instance with a Script

You can use the _StopInstance method in a script to stop a workflow process instance. For example, assume you must stop an instance of an interactive workflow process that the user paused or that is suspended on a wait step. In this situation, Siebel CRM can determine the Process Instance Id.

To stop a workflow process instance with a script

  • Call the _StopInstance method on the Workflow Process Manager business service.

    The following example hard codes the Process Instance Id:

    var bs_WF = TheApplication().GetService("Workflow Process Manager");

    var ps_inputs = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();

    var ps_outputs = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();

    ps_inputs.SetProperty("ProcessInstanceId", "1-IIT");

    bs_WF.InvokeMethod("_StopInstance" , ps_inputs, ps_outputs);

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