Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide > Example Workflow Processes > Defining a Workflow Process That Traverses a Record Set to Close Service Requests >

Preparing the Workflow Process for Production

This task is a step in Defining a Workflow Process That Traverses a Record Set to Close Service Requests.

To prepare the workflow process for a production environment, you can remove some of the configuration that is specific to supporting debugging activities.

To prepare the workflow process for production

  1. Delete the Watch Pre-update Values and Watch Post-update Values workflow steps.
  2. In the MVPW, delete SR Close Date, SR Created Date, SR Description, and SR Status.
  3. Click the Query Child workflow step.
  4. In the MVPW, click the Search Spec Input Arguments tab.
  5. In the Search Specification, in the Description string, replace the search specification that you used for testing with the search specification that you must use for production, as described in the following table.

    Search Specification Used for Testing

    Search Specification Used for Production

    "([Created] < Timestamp()-365.0) AND ([Description] = 'Test SR') AND ([Status] <> 'Closed') AND ([Status] <> 'Cancelled')"

    "([Created] < Timestamp()-365.0) AND ([Status] <> 'Closed') AND ([Status] <> 'Cancelled')"

    CAUTION:  The traversing a record set configuration might modify a large number of records in your database. To avoid unwanted modifications to numerous records, if you use this configuration then make sure you fully test your workflow process. In this example, changing the description in the search specification broadens the search. This change might result in Siebel CRM modifying every service request that is over one year old and that is not Closed or Cancelled.

  6. If required, restore your test records to their original data.
  7. If you modified the Service Request No Link business component, such as adding new fields, then recompile your work.
  8. Identify, and then implement a way to start the workflow process.

    This example supports administrative work that occurs on a regularly scheduled interval, such as daily, weekly, or monthly. To start the workflow process, you can configure a repeating job for the Workflow Process Manager server component. For more information on how to configure a server component to run repeatedly at specific times over specific intervals, see Configuring Batch Processing to Run Repeatedly at a Specific Interval.

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