Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide > Example Workflow Processes > Defining a Workflow Process That Creates an Activity for a Sales Representative >

Defining the Run-Time Event That Starts the Workflow Process

This task is a step in Defining a Workflow Process That Creates an Activity for a Sales Representative.

In this topic, you define the run-time event that starts the workflow process.

To define the run-time event that starts the workflow process

  1. Choose the No connector, and then use the Properties window to make sure the Type property is set to Default.
  2. Choose the Yes connector, and then set the Type property to Condition.
  3. In the Process Designer, click the Evaluate Oppty connector, and then use the properties window to define values described in the following table.



    Event Object Type


    Event Object






    When you define these properties, enter them in the same top to bottom order that this table lists them. Event Object and Event are context-sensitive according to the value you enter in Event Object Type. You must define Event Object Type first.

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