Siebel Briefings Administration Guide > Administering Siebel Briefings >

News Topics Selection Support for Briefings Users

Users can specify the news topics that appear in Briefings using the My News Topic view. This view allows the user to customize the following features:

  • Select topics from those defined for them by the administrator. These topics can be specific to the user's role. Users select a news package in the News Package list and then click the Predefined and Administrator Defined tab. They query for a topic, and click Select Topic. The selected topic moves to the My Selected News Topic list.
  • Create their own news topics. The user clicks the User Defined tab, queries for a name or term for which they want regular news, and clicks Select Topic. The topic is moved to the My Selected News Topic applet.
  • Select the order in which the news topics are displayed, using the My Selected News Topic list.
  • Select the number of days a topic appears, and number of topic headlines that appear, using the My News Layout Settings applet.
  • Remove any topic from the My Selected News Topics list.

All selected news topics query the Content database and return any results in the My News section of the My Briefing page.

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