Siebel Business Process Framework: Task UI Guide > Examples of Developing a Task UI > Example of Developing a Task UI That Assists with Adding an Opportunity >

Controlling the Buttons of the Playbar Applet

This task is a step in Example of Developing a Task UI That Assists with Adding an Opportunity.

You configure properties on the task view step to control the buttons that are active in the playbar applet. You also set the display name for the task view.

To control the buttons of the playbar applet

  1. In the Task Editor, click the Opportunity Task UI View step, and then use the Properties window to define properties described in the following table.

    Disable Previous

    Choose TRUE.

    Display Name - String Override

    Enter Opportunity Details.

    Forward Button Type

    Choose Submit.

  2. Save your modifications and then close the Task Editor.

Disabling Backward Navigation

You can set the Disable Previous property on the task view step to TRUE to prevent backward navigation. You can use this feature for some situations, such as a summary page where Siebel CRM already saved the task transaction to the Siebel database, or with a business process that started processing the transaction, so going back to modify the transaction is no longer possible.

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