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Siebel CRM Siebel Clinical Trial Management System Guide
Siebel Innovation Pack 2016
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Applet Properties in Siebel Clinical

Table A-3 describes the applet properties that you can use to enable and configure functionality for Siebel Clinical.

Table A-3 Applet Properties in Siebel Clinical

Property Applet Description


LS Clinical Protocol Account Site Popup Applet

LS Clinical Protocol Activity Site Popup Applet

LS Clinical Protocol Document Site Popup Applet

LS Clinical Region Account Site Popup Applet

LS Clinical Region Activity Site Popup Applet

LS Clinical Region Document Site Popup Applet

This property closes the pop-up applet when an end user performs an action to close this applet, such as clicking the OK button. This action calls the method in the value for this property.

You can enter a comma-delimited list in this property to specify multiple methods. An example follows:

ClosePopUp="method 1", "method 2", "method 3"

The default value (method name) for each of the six applets follows:

  • ProtocolAccountRolldownToSite

  • ProtocolActivityRolldownToSite

  • ProtocolDocumentRolldownToSite

  • RegionAccountRolldownToSite

  • RegionActivityRolldownToSite

  • RegionDocumentRolldownToSite

You can use this property in applets that are associated with the CSSSWEFrRolePopup class.


Any applet that uses one of the following classes or a class derived from these classes:



This property hides the buttons that call the methods in this property. This property hides these buttons when end users click the query icon in the applet.

You can enter a comma-delimited list in this property to specify multiple methods. An example follows:

HideInQueryMode="ShowAll", "ShowCurrent", "CallCustomerMaster"

If the button calls the ShowPopup method, you do not have to include that method in this property.

History Target BC


Clinical Protocol Team Mvg Applet

Clinical Region Team Mvg Applet

This property specifies the target business component.

The default values follow:

  • Clinical Protocol Site Team Assignment History BC

  • Clinical Protocol Team Assignment History BC

  • Clinical Region Team Assignment History BC

The information about the positions added to or deleted from the team list is added to the specified business component.

Search Specification

Clinical Protocol Site Template Version Assoc Applet

This property configures the versions of the subject visit template that appear in the Site Management Versions MVG (multi value group).

Configure this property as follows:

  • To display only the versions of the subject visit templates with a status of Approved, set the value as follows:

    [Status Cd] = LookupValue("CLNCL_VERSION_STATUS","Approved")

  • To display the versions of the subject visit templates with a status of Reviewed or Approved, set the value as follows:

    [Status Cd] = LookupValue("CLNCL_VERSION_STATUS","Approved") OR [Status Cd] = LookupValue("CLNCL_VERSION_STATUS"," Reviewed")

The default configuration displays only subject visit templates with a status of Approved in the Site Management Versions MVG.

Popup Visibility Type

LS Clinical Site Bulk Payment Popup Applet

This property determines the site records that appear in the dialog box that appears when end users click the Generate Payment button in the Payments view of the Protocols screen or the Regions screen.

The default value for this property is All. This value means that all site records in the Siebel Clinical application appear in the dialog box. This property can have the following alternate values, which are standard Siebel view modes:

  • Personal

  • Sales Rep

  • Manager

  • Organization

  • Sub-Organization

  • Group

  • Catalog

View modes determine the records that end users can see in a view that is associated with an underlying business component. For example, if you set this property value to Organization, then the end user who clicks the Generate button can see the site records for the protocol or region that are associated with the organization of the end user.

This property overrides the pop-up visibility of the underlying business component. The underlying business component must support the view mode associated with the value that you enter. For more information about view modes, see Siebel Security Guide.


LS Clinical Site Bulk Payment Popup Applet

This property configures notifications for bulk payments by specifying the value for the Abstract field that is passed as an input argument to the workflow that the GenerateBulkPayment method calls when you click the OK button in the LS Clinical Site Bulk Payment Applet. This applet appears when you click the Generate Payment button in the Payments view of the Protocols screen or the Regions screen.

The input argument is a key-value combination. An example follows:

Abstract="Bulk payment status update"

This example shows the default value for this property, but you can change this value.


LS Clinical Site Bulk Payment Popup Applet

This property configures notifications for bulk payments by specifying the value for the AllowDismiss field that is passed as an input argument to the workflow that the GenerateBulkPayment method calls when you click the OK button in the LS Clinical Site Bulk Payment Applet. This applet appears when you click the Generate Payment button in the Payments view of the Protocols screen or the Regions screen.

The input argument is a key-value combination. An example follows:


This example shows the default value for this property, but you can change this value.


LS Clinical Site Bulk Payment Popup Applet

This property configures notifications for bulk payments by specifying the value for the AllUsers field that is passed as an input argument to the workflow that the GenerateBulkPayment method calls when you click the OK button in the LS Clinical Site Bulk Payment Applet. This applet appears when you click the Generate Payment button in the Payments view of the Protocols screen or the Regions screen.

The input argument is a key-value combination. An example follows:


This example shows the default value for this property, but you can change this value.


LS Clinical Site Bulk Payment Popup Applet

This property configures notifications for bulk payments by specifying the values for the Recipient Division field that are passed as an input argument to the workflow that the GenerateBulkPayment method calls when you click the OK button in the LS Clinical Site Bulk Payment Applet. This applet appears when you click the Generate Payment button in the Payments view of the Protocols screen or the Regions screen.

When a value in the Recipient Division field of the notification message matches a value in the Division field of a team record for a site, the end users associated with that division receive notifications of payments to that site. For information about setting up notification messages, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

The default value for this property is DivisionName(), but you can change this value.

The value for this property is a Siebel grammar expression that is similar to the expressions in calculated fields for business components. Because the destination field for this property is an MVG (multi value group), you can enter a comma-delimited list in this property to specify multiple values. An example follows:

"DivisionName()", "Home Office Division"

You can activate this property if necessary.


LS Clinical Site Bulk Payment Popup Applet

This property configures notifications for bulk payments by specifying the values for the Recipient Position field that are passed as an input argument to the workflow that the GenerateBulkPayment method calls when you click the OK button in the LS Clinical Site Bulk Payment Applet. This applet appears when you click the Generate Payment button in the Payments view of the Protocols screen or the Regions screen.

When a value in the Recipient Position field of the notification message matches a value in the Position field of a team record for a site, the end users associated with that position receive notifications of payments to that site. For information about setting up notification messages, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

The default value for this property is PositionName(), but you can change this value.

The value for this property is a Siebel grammar expression that is similar to the expressions in calculated fields for business components. Because the destination field for this property is an MVG (multi value group), you can enter a comma-delimited list in this property to specify multiple values. An example follows:

"PositionName()", "HQ - US Region"

You can activate this property if necessary.


LS Clinical Site Bulk Payment Popup Applet

This property configures notifications for bulk payments by specifying the values for the Recipient User field that are passed as an input argument to the workflow that the GenerateBulkPayment method calls when you click the OK button in the LS Clinical Site Bulk Payment Applet. This applet appears when you click the Generate Payment button in the Payments view of the Protocols screen or the Regions screen.

When a value in the Recipient User field of the notification message matches a value in the User ID field of a team record for a site, the end user associated with that user ID receives notifications of payments to that site. For information about setting up notification messages, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

The default value for this property is LoginName(), but you can change this value.

The value for this property is a Siebel grammar expression that is similar to the expressions in calculated fields for business components. Because the destination field for this property is an MVG (multi value group), you can enter a comma-delimited list in this property to specify multiple values. An example follows:

"LoginName()", "JDOE"


LS Clinical Site Bulk Payment Popup Applet

This property specifies the name of the underlying workflow that the GenerateBulkPayment method calls when you click the OK button in the LS Clinical Site Bulk Payment Applet. This applet appears when you click the Generate Payment button in the Payments view of the Protocols screen or the Regions screen. Notification-related arguments (WF.Abstract, WF.AllowDismiss, and so on) are then passed as input arguments (Abstract, AllowDismiss, and so on) to this workflow.

The default value for this property is LS Clinical - Generate Bulk Payment Process, but you can change this value to a custom workflow.


LS Clinical Site Bulk Payment Popup Applet

This property configures notifications for bulk payments by specifying the value for the Severity field that is passed as an input argument to the workflow that the GenerateBulkPayment method calls when you click the OK button in the LS Clinical Site Bulk Payment Applet. This applet appears when you click the Generate Payment button in the Payments view of the Protocols screen or the Regions screen.

The input argument is a key-value combination. An example follows:


This example shows the default value for this property, but you can change this value to any value for the Severity field that has a Type field value of BRDCST_MSG_TYPE in the list of values and that is active in the list of values. Alternate values include: High, Urgent, and Urgent with Alert.

For applets that are associated with the CSSSWEFrRolePopup class and that have Clinical Protocol Site Bulk Operations as the underlying business component, you can create additional input arguments for the workflow that the GenerateBulkPayment method calls by creating additional applet properties as WF.field name, and recompiling the applet. For example, a custom property of WF.CustomerName might have the following input argument for the workflow:

CustomerName="Elixir Labs"