Siebel Consumer Goods Guide

What's New in This Release

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Consumer Goods Overview

About Siebel Consumer Goods

Business Solutions for Siebel Business Applications

Business Functions of Screens

About the Home Screen

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Getting Started

Other Guides for Administrative Setup Tasks

Siebel Consumer Goods Administrative Setup Tasks

Selected Setup Procedures

Creating Periods

Creating Values for the Period Type List of Values

Setting Up Siebel Workflow Processes for Consumer Goods

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Managing Accounts

About Accounts

Scenario for Setting Up and Maintaining Accounts

Viewing Account Plan Status

Process of Managing Accounts

Creating or Modifying Accounts

Changing the Prices of Individual Line Items

Updating Product Price and Cost

Deleting Accounts

Setting Up Account Hierarchies

Profiling Accounts

Creating Addresses for Accounts

Removing Yourself from Account Teams (End User)

Associating Activities with Accounts (End User)

Associating Contacts with Accounts (End User)

Adding Merchandising Locations to Accounts (End User)

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About Catalog and Product Administration for Consumer Goods

About Catalog-Category Hierarchies

Scenario for Setting Up and Managing Products

Process of Managing Products

Defining Products

Associating Multiple Accounts with Products

Defining Product Lines

Using the Product Explorer (End User)

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Product Distribution

About Controlling Product Distribution

Scenario for Managing Product Distribution

About Creating and Modifying Distribution Lists

Process of Managing Product Distribution

Creating Distribution Codes

Creating Distribution Lists

Amending Distribution Lists

Copying Distribution Lists

Deleting Products from Distribution Lists

Setting Up Account Channel Values

Assigning Product Categories to Account Catalogs

Viewing and Modifying Distribution List Products (End User)

Viewing and Modifying Distribution List Categories (End User)

Reviewing Account Catalogs (End User)

Creating Buying Groups (End User)

Associating Sources of Supply with Accounts (End User)

Associating Sources of Supply with Products (End User)

Associating Account Products with Merchandising Locations (End User)

About Configuring Product Distribution

Specialized Methods Invoked in Product Distribution

Apply Button for an Authorized Distribution List

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Sales Volume Planning

About Sales Volume Planning

About the SVP Aggregate Action

Scenario for Using Sales Volume Planning

Roadmap for Sales Volume Planning

Process of Setting Up Category-Product Hierarchies

Setting Up Account Hierarchies

Creating Category-Product Hierarchies

Associating Products with Categories

Acquiring Categories

Deleting Products and Categories

Process of Defining SVP Hierarchies

Manually Associating Categories with Accounts

Manually Associating Subcategories with Accounts

Modifying Account-Category Hierarchies

Deleting Account-Category Hierarchies

Performing the Initial Aggregation

Running Aggregation Processing in Parallel

Populating Locks

Process of Establishing Baseline Basis Quantities

Generating Baseline Basis Quantities for Existing Products

Generating Baseline Basis Quantities for New Products

Precalculating Adjusted Baseline Basis Quantities

Copying Baseline Information to Other Fields

Manually Entering SVP Data

Process of Performing Ongoing SVP Administrative Tasks

Creating SVP Periods

Importing or Copying SVP Data

Resetting Account and Category Levels

Performing Periodic Aggregations

Allocating Changes Down Multiple Levels of the Account Hierarchy

Resetting SVP Hierarchy Levels

Resetting SVP Hierarchy Locks

Viewing SVP Data (End User)

Skipping SVP Source Data (End User)

Locking and Modifying SVP Data (End User)

About SVP Algorithms

About Category and Account Level Allocation

About Number Handling and Percentage-Basis Calculations

About Configuring Sales Volume Planning

Configuring Sales Volume Planning

Modifying the SVP Business Service

Configuring SVP Category Aggregation and Mass Change

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Trade Promotions

About Trade Promotions

Scenario for Setting Up and Carrying Out Trade Promotions

Viewing Account Promotion Details

Roadmap for Managing Trade Promotions

Process of Managing Corporate Promotions (End User)

Creating Corporate Promotions

Adding Categories to Corporate Promotions

Adding Products to Corporate Promotions

Adding Attachments to Corporate Promotions

Attaching Literature to Corporate Promotions

Creating Account Promotions from Corporate Promotions

Viewing Performance Data for Account Promotions in Corporate Promotions

Creating High-Level Promotions for Account Promotions (End User)

Process of Managing Plans for Account Promotions (End User)

Creating Plans for Account Promotions

Creating Default Values for Plans

Adding Attachments to Plans

Viewing Calendars for Plans

Viewing the Audit Trail for Plans

Process of Managing Account Promotions (End User)

Creating Account Promotions

Adding Categories to Account Promotions

Adding Products to Account Promotions

Associating Baseline and Shipment Data with Promoted Products

Allocating Field Values in Account Promotions

Transferring Incremental Volumes for Account Promotions to SVP

Associating Objectives with Account Promotions

Adding Attachments to Account Promotions

Attaching Literature to Account Promotions

Viewing Calendars for Account Promotions

Viewing the Audit Trail for Account Promotions

Process of Simulating High-Level Promotions and Account Promotions (End User)

Importing and Copying Lift Factors

Simulating the Results for High-Level Promotions for Account Promotions

Simulating the Results for Account Promotions

About What-If Scenarios at the Account Plan Level

Process of Managing Deals for Account Promotions (End User)

Creating Deals for Account Promotions

Creating Deals for Promoted Categories

Creating Deals for Promoted Products

Process of Managing Phasing for Account Promotions (End User)

Enabling Phasing for Account Promotions

Phasing Promoted Categories

Recalculating Phasing Results for Categories

Phasing Promoted Products

Recalculating Phasing Results for Products

Finalizing Account Promotions

About Some Fields for Promotions

General Fields in Promotions

Fields for Details About Promotional Tactics

Fields for Volume and Revenue in Promotions

Fields for Spending in Promotions

Fields for Details About Deals

About Phasing Results

About Configuring Trade Promotions

Configuring Trade Promotions

Retaining Account Promotions When Deleting Corporate Promotions

Changing the Visibility Filter for Team Members

Configuring Available Plans for Account Promotions

Changing Dates for Baseline Data Retrieval

Configuring the Spread Button

Configuring the Forecast Button

Configuring the Update Button

Planning by Using Different Units of Measure

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Trade Funds

About Trade Funds

Scenario for Managing Funds for Account Promotions

Process of Managing Trade Funds

Creating Funds

Creating Fixed Funds

Creating Accrual Funds

Adding Child Funds to Parent Funds

Adjusting Funds

Reviewing Deals

Reviewing Fund Payments

Transferring Fund Amounts Without Constraint

Reconciling Deals

Closing Deals

Forecasting Accrual Funds (End User)

Transferring Fund Amounts with Constraint (End User)

Approving Fund Transfers (End User)

Submitting Payments for Funds (End User)

Reviewing Funds (End User)

About Configuring Trade Funds

About Rolling Up Paid Payments

About the Consumer Goods Payment Business Service

Funds Configuration for Enterprise Integration Manager

Specialized Methods Invoked in Funds

User Properties for Funds

Configuring Trade Funds

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Deductions and Claims

About Deductions

Scenarios for Managing and Resolving Deductions

Scenario for Managing Deductions for Account Promotions

Scenario for Managing HQ Deductions

Process of Managing Account Promotion Deductions

Creating and Editing Deductions

Adding Literature to Deductions

Splitting Deductions

Creating Credit Memos

Analyzing Workloads

Creating Activity Templates

Reviewing Deductions (End User)

Viewing Account Deductions (End User)

Creating Deduction Activities (End User)

Creating Deduction Activity Plans (End User)

Associating and Modifying Invoices (End User)

Creating Deduction Attachments (End User)

Creating Deduction Notes (End User)

Reviewing Account Credit Memos (End User)

Reviewing Deduction Literature (End User)

Resolving Deductions (End User)

About Status Stage Behavior in Deduction Resolutions

About Claims

Process of Managing Claims

Creating and Editing Claims

Adding Attachments to Claims

Resolving Claims

About Configuring Deductions and Claims

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About Objectives

Scenario for Creating and Fulfilling Sales Objectives

Process of Working with Objectives

Creating Objectives

Creating Recommended Activities for Objectives

Targeting Accounts to Objectives

Creating Child Objectives

Changing the Dates for Objectives

Applying Objectives

Scheduling Store Visits

Reviewing Objectives (End User)

Changing the Status of Activities (End User)

Checking the Status of Objectives (End User)

About Configuring Objectives

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Retail Execution

About Retail Execution

Scenario for Retail Execution

Roadmap for Performing Retail Execution

Preparing for Retail Visits (End User)

Planning Retail Visits (End User)

Starting Retail Visits (End User)

Process of Performing Retail Activities (End User)

Performing Merchandising Audits

Performing Retail Assessments

Exchanging Products Between Sales Representatives

Performing Retail Audits

Reviewing Store Conditions

Creating Retail Activities (End User)

Reviewing Account Information (End User)

Ending Retail Visits (End User)

About Configuring Retail Execution

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About Routes

Scenarios for Creating and Using Routes

Scenario for Creating Routes

Scenario for Creating Routes for Sales Representatives

Scenario for Creating Routes That Change Frequently

Process of Creating and Using Routes

Creating Routes (End User)

Adding Accounts to Routes (End User)

Assigning Target Lists to Routes (End User)

Using Routes to Schedule Visits (End User)

About Configuring Routes

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Account Targeting

About Account Targeting

Scenarios for Account Targeting

Scenario for Creating Target Lists for Sales Representatives

Scenario for Creating Target Lists

Process of Account Targeting

Making Predefined Queries Public

Deleting Saved Predefined Queries

Creating Target Lists (End User)

Saving Target Lists (End User)

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Inventory and Order Management

About Inventory and Order Management

Scenario for Managing Inventory and Orders

Process of Managing Inventory and Orders

Associating Assets with Inventory Locations (End User)

Recording Van Information (End User)

Verifying Van Inventory (End User)

Reviewing Billings (End User)

Taking Retail Orders (End User)

Recording Deposits (End User)

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