Siebel Correspondence, Proposals, and Presentations Guide > Correspondence >

Creating Records for Correspondence Templates in the Siebel Application

To make the correspondence templates available to the Siebel application, you must add them to the Siebel File System by creating a correspondence template record. You can add correspondence template records in the following views:

  • Correspondence Templates view of the Administration - Document screen. The administrator who creates correspondence templates for multiple employees uses this view.
  • Personal Templates view of the Correspondence screen. Employees who create correspondence personal-use templates use this view.

TIP:   Create correspondence template records for the insertion templates and for the correspondence templates.

NOTE:  Always perform system administration tasks, such as administration of correspondence templates, against the server database. Although you can perform these tasks against your local database and synchronize, doing so can cause errors, including data conflicts. In addition, performance problems can result from a large local database and from routing large numbers of transactions.

This task is a step in Process of Setting Up and Using Correspondence.

To create a record for the correspondence template

  1. Navigate one of the following views:
    • Correspondence Templates view of the Administration - Document screen
    • Personal Templates view of the Correspondence screen
  2. In the Templates list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields.

    Some fields are described in the following table.


    Template Name

    Select the name of a correspondence template, label template, or insertion template.


    Select the check box to indicate the correspondence template is available for use.

    NOTE:  It is recommended that you make the template inactive before modifying it to prevent other users from attempting to use it while you are modifying it. After you finish modifying the template, make the template active again.


    Select the check box to indicate that the correspondence template is a personal correspondence template that the creator can use.

    This field appears in the Administration - Document screen but not in the Correspondence screen.


    Select the language the Document Server uses to render merge fields that are based on MLOV and Global Data Business Component fields.


    Select the locale the Document Server uses to format merged data that is based on locale-sensitive business component fields, such as phone numbers. If you do not select a locale, the application locale is used.


    Select the check box to indicate the document is retrieved during the next synchronization session. This field enables users to request templates from the server.

    This field applies to only Siebel Remote users.

    Update File (or Update)

    Select the check box to indicate the template for mobile users is updated automatically each time the original file is changed.

    This field appears in the Administration - Document screen but not in the Correspondence screen.

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