Siebel Correspondence, Proposals, and Presentations Guide > Presentations >

Defining Presentation Field Mappings

When you create the component slides of the presentation, you probably include bookmarks for personalized fields. You must map the bookmarks in the component slides to Siebel fields.

This mapping designates the Siebel field to use for substituting data for a bookmark in the component slide. For example, by mapping the Company bookmark to the Account field, each Company bookmark is replaced with the value of the Account field.

You cannot map fields to a bookmark in the header or footer of the template unless that bookmark is also somewhere else in the content of the template, other than in the footer or header.

Because you might work with multiple presentation templates, you can have multiple sets of bookmarks. You can use one mapping for one presentation template and another mapping for another presentation, or you can use a single mapping for several presentation templates. In either case, you must specify a mapping name in the template record to associate the template with a specific mapping.

If you map a bookmark to a multi-value field, the primary record of the group is retrieved. If you want to retrieve multiple values from a multi-value field, you can add a Table section type to the presentation template. This section type retrieves multiple values from the multi-value field in table format.

This task is a step in Process of Creating Presentation Templates.

Creating Field Mappings for Presentations

To create a field mapping, create a record for the mapping, and then map the fields.

NOTE:  For Siebel Tools objects to be accessible in the Siebel application, the Siebel repository must be updated in the appropriate database.

To create a field mapping for presentations

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Document screen, then the Presentation Field Mappings view.
  2. In the Business Objects list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields.

    Some fields are described in the following table.


    Mapping Name

    Type a name for the mapping.

    Business Object

    Select the business object that contains fields in the presentation. For example, to create an opportunity presentation, select the Opportunity business object.


    Type a description of the mapping.

  3. Navigate to the Business Components list by completing the following steps:
    1. In the Business Objects explorer, click the arrow icon next to the business object name folder.
    2. Click the arrow icon next to the Business Components folder under the business object name folder.
  4. In the Business Components list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields.

    Some fields are described in the following table.


    Business Component

    Select the business component. The business component must be related to the business object.

    Search Specification

    Type the search specification. The search specification limits the records returned for the business component. If you do not designate a search specification, all records for the business component are returned.

    NOTE:  You can associate more than one business component mapping with an object. For example, to create an opportunity presentation, you select the Opportunity business component. You can also select the TAS Account business component to create mappings for views under the Opportunity TAS view.

Mapping the Fields for Presentations

After you create a record for the mapping, you can map the fields.

To map the fields for presentations

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Document screen, then the Presentations Field Mappings view.
  2. Navigate to the Business Component Fields list by completing the following steps:
    1. In the Business Objects explorer, click the arrow icon next to the business object name folder.
    2. Click the arrow icon next to this Business Components folder under the business object name folder.
    3. Click the arrow icon next to the business component name folder under the Business Components folder.
    4. Click the arrow icon next to the Business Component Fields folder under the business component name folder.
  3. In the Business Component Fields list, create a new record for each field to map, and complete the necessary fields.
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