Siebel Data Quality Administration Guide > Sample Configuration and Script Files > Sample SQL Scripts >


The following sample SQL script can be used for incremental data load.

NOTE:  Use this file for Microsoft Windows.

@echo off

REM ************************************************************************

REM *                                             *

REM * 1. Change informaticaHome to point to your IIR installation folder *

REM * 2. Change initLoadScripts to point to your Initial Load scripts *

REM *                                             *

REM ************************************************************************

   if %1.==. goto Error

   if %2.==. goto Error

   if %3.==. goto Error

   NOT %4.==. goto GIvenBatchOnly

REM ************************************************************************

REM *                                             *

REM * Setting parameters *

REM *                                             *

REM ************************************************************************

set current=%1

set workdir=%2

set dbcredentials=%3

set machineName=%computername%

set informaticaHome=C:\InformaticaIR

set initLoadScripts=C:\InformaticaIR\InitLoadScripts

REM ************************************************************************

REM *                                             *

REM * Find the number of batches in the current Entity records snapshot *

REM *                                             *

REM ************************************************************************

FOR /F "usebackq delims=!" %%i IN (`sqlplus -s %dbcredentials% @GetBatchCount%1`) DO set xresult=%%i

set /a NumBatches=%xresult%

echo %NumBatches%

del /s/f/q %workdir%\*

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

set /a counter=1

REM ************************************************************************

REM *                                             *

REM * Loop through all the batches *

REM *                                             *

REM ************************************************************************

for /l %%a in (2, 1, !NumBatches!) do (

   set /a counter += 1

   (echo counter=!counter!)

   sqlplus %dbcredentials% @%initLoadScripts%\SetBatchNumber.sql !counter!

   cd /d %informaticaHome%\bin

   idsbatch -h%machineName%:1669 -i%initLoadScripts%\idt_%current%_load.txt -1%workdir%\idt_%current%_load!counter!.log -2%workdir%\idt_%current%_load!counter!.err -3%workdir%\idt_%current%_load!counter!.dbg


goto DONE


   echo Processing Batch %4....

   sqlplus %dbcredentials% @%initLoadScripts%\SetBatchNumber.sql %4

   cd /d %informaticaHome%\bin

   idsbatch -h%machineName%:1669 -i%initLoadScripts%\idt_%current%_load.txt -1%workdir%\idt_%current%_load%4.log -2%workdir%\idt_%current%_load%4.err -3%workdir%\idt_%current%_load%4.dbg

   goto DONE


   ECHO Insufficient parameters

   echo usage "IDS_IDT_LOAD_ANY_ENTITY.CMD <Object_Name> <Work_Dir> <DBUser/DBPassword@TNS_Entry_Name> [Optional Batch Number]"


   echo e.g. IDS_IDT_LOAD_ANY_ENTITY.CMD ACCOUNT C:\InformaticaIR\InitLoadScripts ora1234/ora1234@ora_db



   Echo Process completed. Please examine error and log files in %workdir%


   set /a errorcount = 0

   %%R in (*.err) do if %%~zR neq 0 set /a errorcount += 1

   error Count =%errorcount%

   if %errorcount% neq 0 goto batcherror



   echo %errorcount% batch/es have failed. Please check the following batches:

   for %%R in (*.err) do if %%~zR neq 0 echo %%R

   goto DONE


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