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Real-Time Data Cleansing Function

This topic describes the functions that are called for real-time data matching: sdq_datacleanse.

sdq_datacleanse Function

This function is called to perform real-time data cleansing. The function is called for only one record at a time.


int sdq_datacleanse (int session_id, SSchar* parameterList, SSchar* inputRecordSet, SSchar* outputRecordSet)

  • parameterList: An XML character string that contains the list of parameters and values that are specific to this function call. An example of the XML is as follows:



    NOTE:  This parameter is set to NULL as all required parameters are already set at the session level.

  • inputRecordSet: An XML character string containing the driver record. An example of the XML is as follows:


  • outputRecordSet: A record set that is populated by the vendor in real time and which contains the cleansed record. An example of the XML is as follows:


Return Value

A return value of 0 indicates successful execution. Any other value is a vendor error code. The error message details from the vendor are obtained by calling the sdq_get_error_message function.

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