Siebel Data Quality Administration Guide > Administering Data Quality >

Data Quality Rules

In the Administration - Data Quality screen, Rules view, you can define rules for each of the data quality operations that are performed in real-time and in batch mode.

The data quality rules specify the parameters used when a data quality operation is performed in real-time or in batch mode. For example, you can create a rule for the batch mode Data Cleansing operation on the Account business component for a particular vendor. The parameters used are the vendor parameters defined for the applicable vendor, but you can override these parameters by specifying the equivalent rule parameters. However, the value set for Match Threshold in the User Preferences data quality settings override the equivalent rule parameters.

You can only create rules for business components for which data cleansing or data matching are supported. This includes the preconfigured business components and any additional business components that you configure for data cleansing and data matching. Also, you can only create rules for operations that are supported for a particular vendor. For each vendor, the supported operations and business components are defined in the Administration - Data Quality screen, Third Party Administration view.

You can create only one real time rule for each combination of vendor, business component, and operation name. However, you can create any number of batch rules for each combination of vendor business component, and operation name.

When you define a rule for real time mode, the rule is applied each time data cleansing or data matching is performed for the business component. When you define a rule for batch mode, the rule is applied if you specify the name of the rule in the batch job parameters, see Data Quality Batch Job Parameters. Using rules in this way allows you to consolidate batch job parameters into a reusable rule.

You can specify a search specification, business object name, business component name, threshold, and operation Type in a rule or in the job parameters when you submit a job in batch mode. The values in the job parameters override any value in the rules.

NOTE:  Do not confuse data quality rules with the matching rules that are used by the third-party software.

Creating a Data Quality Rule

Use the following procedure to create a data quality rule.

To create a data quality rule

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Data Quality screen, then the Rules view.
  2. Create a new record. Some of the fields are shown in the following table:


    Enter a unique name for the rule.

    Search Specification

    Enter a search specification.

    Applicable for Operation Type Batch only.

    Vendor Name

    Select a vendor name, for example, ISS.

    Operation Type

    Select Batch or Real Time.

    Operation Name

    Select one of the following:

    • Data Cleansing
    • DeDuplication
    • Key Generate (batch mode only)
    • Key Refresh (batch mode only)


    Enter a value between 50 and 100. This value overrides the value in the Data Quality settings.

    Applicable for Operation Name DeDuplication only.

    Source Business Component

    Select a business component name.

    Source Business Object

    Select the business object name corresponding to the business components

    An example of a rule is shown in the following table. This is a rule for DeDuplication operations for all Account records whose name starts with Aa.




    Search Specification

    [Name] LIKE 'Aa*'

    Vendor Name


    Operation Type


    Operation Name




    Source Business Component


    Source Business Object


  3. (Optional) Specify rule parameters.
    1. Click the Rule Parameter view tab.
    2. Create rule parameters by selecting a parameter and entering the required value.
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