Transports and Interfaces: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration > EAI JMS Transport > Detailed Input and Output Specifications for the EAI JMS Transport >

JMS Headers and Properties

Every JMS message has a set of standard headers. Some of these headers can be specified as arguments to the methods of the JMS Transport that involve sending or publishing, and some are available as properties of the output property set of methods that involve receiving or subscribing. These are detailed in Table 11, Table 12, and Table 13.

A JMS message can also be assigned properties. These might be user-defined properties specific to a particular application, or JMS-defined properties (for example JMSXProducerTXID) that are optionally supported by the JMS vendor. A property can be an instance of any Java class or any of the primitive Java types. All properties of a message received by the Siebel JMS Transport are available as properties of the output property set.

The name of the property is the original name with the eleven characters SIEBEL_JMS: prefixed; the value is the string obtained by converting the original value to a Java String. Conversely, when a message is sent, any property of the input property set whose name begins with SIEBEL_JMS: is added to the message as a JMS Message string property with the prefix SIEBEL_JMS: removed. For example, the property SIEBEL_JMS:foo is added to the message as the string property foo.

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