Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide > Deleting Data >

Checking Delete Results

When a delete process ends, you should carefully check the results to verify that data was successfully deleted. During each process, EIM writes comprehensive status and diagnostic information to several destinations.

EIM uses a special column named t_deleted_row_id in the EIM tables. EIM writes the row_id of each deleted base table row to this column.

To view a list of deleted base table rows

  • Query the appropriate EIM table for rows whose if_row_batch_num equals the batch number for the delete.

    The value of t_deleted_row_id identifies deleted rows.

If error flags, SQL trace flags, or trace flags were activated for the EIM process, you can also use the trace file to view the results of the EIM process. For more information on viewing the trace file, see Viewing the EIM Log File.

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