Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide > Importing Data > Special Considerations for Imports >

Suppressing Data When Updating Existing Databases

By default, when importing information, EIM performs both inserts and updates based on the content of the batch set. However, situations may arise in which you want to perform only inserts or only updates.

Suppressing Inserts

When the batch is a superset of an existing table, you should suppress inserts. For example, you may have a batch set of employee information that includes every individual in your organization. However, your Siebel database contains only members of the sales organization. To ignore batch entries for nonsales personnel in this case, you may want to run the entire batch using this setting to perform updates to existing rows only. If EIM attempts to insert a new row with this setting, the IF_ROW_STAT column is updated to NOT_ALLOWED. This means that EIM has attempted to insert a new row, but the action is not allowed.

To suppress insertions

  • Set the INSERT ROWS parameter in the EIM configuration file to FALSE.

    The following example shows how to suppress insertions of unmatched rows from the EIM_ACCOUNT table to the S_ORG_EXT base table.

    [Import Accounts Details]


    BATCH = 1



Suppressing Updates

When the information in your database is already accurate and current, you should suppress updates. For example, opportunities and associated contacts might appear as a batch feed from an external application on a regular basis. You may only be interested in adding new opportunities while preserving the information in existing opportunities. Use the UPDATE ROWS = FALSE statement to preserve existing information.

CAUTION:  Because suppressing updates prevents updating primaries in Step 10, this setting should be used with caution.

To suppress updates to existing rows

  • Set the UPDATE ROWS parameter in the EIM configuration file to FALSE.

    The following example shows how to suppress updates to existing rows in the S_ORG_EXT base table.

    [Import Accounts Details]


    BATCH = 1



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