Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide > Importing Data > Special Considerations for Imports >

Importing File Attachments

EIM can import file attachments in all formats, including common file types such as Word documents (.doc), Excel spreadsheets (.xls), and text files (.txt). EIM does not place a limit on the number or the total size of files that can be imported.

To import file attachments into Siebel database tables

  1. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the Siebel Server directory.

    The default is c:\siebel.

  2. Verify that the Siebel directory contains a directory named input.

    If the directory does not exist, create it by choosing File, New, and then Folder, and then enter input.

  3. Copy all file attachments to the input directory.

    Siebel EIM tables support all file attachment formats.

  4. Populate EIM tables with rows matching the file attachments.
  5. Run EIM.

NOTE:  All three file attachment columns (FILE_NAME, FILE_EXT, FILE_SRC_TYPE) must be populated in order to import file attachments. The FILE_SRC_TYPE column must be set to FILE. Although these columns can be listed as nullable in the EIM tables, the import process will return errors if you leave any of these columns as NULL.

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