Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide > EIM: Examples of Common Usage > EIM Delete Process Examples >

Example of Using DELETE EXACT

The DELETE EXACT parameter is used to delete rows in a Siebel base table with user key values specified in the corresponding EIM table. In this case, the corresponding EIM table has to be populated.

In this example, you want to delete an existing account. This account's user key data is as follows:

S_PARTY: PARTY_TYPE_CD='Organization', PARTY_UID='1-28XIF'

S_ORG_EXT: LOC='San Mateo', NAME='TEST', BU_ID=' 0-R9NH"

To delete an existing account

  1. Choose the EIM_ACCOUNT table and populate this table as follows:

    EIM_ACCOUNT.LOC ='San Mateo'


    EIM_ACCOUNT.ACCNT_BU ='Default Organization' (corresponding to BU_ID=' 0-R9NH")

  2. Populate the other required columns of the EIM_ACCOUNT table, such as IF_ROW_BATCH_NUM.
  3. Run the EIM delete process.

The following is an excerpt from a sample .IFB file:

[Delete Account]


BATCH = 300




To delete an existing account using S_PARTY's user key to populate the EIM_ACCOUNT table

  1. Choose the EIM_ACCOUNT table and populate this table as follows:

    EIM_ACCOUNT : PARTY_TYPE_CD='Organization' and PARTY_UID='1-28XIF'

  2. Populate the other required columns of the EIM_ACCOUNT table, such as IF_ROW_BATCH_NUM.
  3. Run the EIM delete process.

The following is an excerpt from a sample .IFB file:

[Delete Account]


BATCH = 300




Both examples above achieve the same result.

Note the following when you use DELETE EXACT:

  • In the .IFB file, you must specify ONLY BASE TABLES, so that only this data will be deleted.
  • Only one base table can be specified in the ONLY BASE TABLES parameter. Otherwise, unexpected SQL statements will be generated
  • If you want to delete data in two or more tables, you must specify two or more sessions in your .IFB file, since you can only specify one table in each session.

The following are the differences between DELETE EXACT and DELETE MATCHES:

  • DELETE MATCHES does not require data population of an EIM table, while DELETE EXACT does. So DELETE MATCHES is easier to use when the deleting criterion is simple.
  • DELETE MATCHES does not work well with complicated deleting criterion, because you do not get the chance to check whether you are mistakenly deleting the right data. With DELETE EXACT, you can always check the data in the EIM table before you start the EIM delete process.
  • DELETE MATCHES can only be used when the deleting criterion is against a target base table (or against its extension table if the target base table is S_PARTY), and when only one base table is involved. However, with DELETE EXACT, you can always use EIM or SQL statements to export the user key data from the base table to the EIM table, and then cleanse the data. As long as the corresponding user key columns in the EIM table can be populated, DELETE EXACT can be used to delete the data in the base table.

To find the target base table of an EIM table

  1. In Siebel Tools, navigate to EIM Interface Table control, and query the EIM table name.
  2. Check the Target Table property to find the target base table name.
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