Siebel Events Management Guide > Defining an Event > Business Scenarios for Defining an Event >

End-User Event Definition Scenario

This scenario provides an example of a process flow performed by end users. In this scenario, the end user is an event planner who, like the administrator described in Administrator Event Definition Scenario,, works for a company holding a user week conference for a software product used by astronomers.

The event planner uses Siebel Events Management to define the event by entering information about the event, such as its name, whether it is a conference or seminar, timing, location, and so on. Typically, the event planner waits until the administrator has defined all of the fields and selections necessary before entering this information. In such cases, the event planner provides the administrator with enough information to define the event fields. However, due to the unusual topic of this event, the event planner decides to work in tandem with the administrator to define the fields and enter the event information.

Events often involve featured topics or themes, such as climate change, water pollution, and the ozone layer. In Siebel Events Management, these are called tracks. Therefore, as part of event definition, the event planner can add any such event tracks as necessary. To add additional continuity to the event plan, the event planner can also associate related events.

Next, the event planner creates a budget for the event by entering estimated revenues and expenses, such as advertising revenues and catering expenses.

Lastly, the event planner creates several activity templates, each of which can be used to associate a set activities, or action items, with the event.

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