Siebel Forecasting Guide > Forecasting (End User) > About Forecast Adjustments >

Auto-Adjusting a Forecast

Auto-adjust applies to forecasts with details only. Use auto-adjust to apply any changes made in the most recent forecast to the current forecast. Once auto-adjust is selected, any adjustments that were made in the last forecast (the most recent forecast date available) are automatically added to the current forecast. Any fields that have changed, such as, Probability, Qty (quantity), Revenue, Expected Revenue, Price, Commit, Close Date, Best Case, Worst Case, Margin, and Cost are updated in the current record.

To auto-adjust a forecast

  1. Navigate to the Forecasts screen.
  2. In the Forecasts list, drill down on the forecast to be updated.
  3. In the Details view, select the revenue line item or items you want to apply adjustments to.
  4. Click the menu button, and then click Auto-Adjust Selected Details.

    NOTE:  Auto-adjust is only visible as an option if there is a past forecast to be compared to.

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