Siebel Forecasting Guide > Forecasting Migration >

Upgrading Forecasting Using the Data Migration Utility

The data migration utility is designed for customers with recurring revenues entered directly into the Forecasts screen.

NOTE:  Because of the data model changes in forecasting, it is recommended that you print out your old forecasts before upgrading. Those forecasts are no longer visible in this version of the Siebel application. Although the data migration described here moves your data, double-check the results when the migration is finished.

To use the Data Migration Utility

  1. In the default bin directory on the server, there is a file called fcstcnvrt.exe. This is the program that is used to migrate information from old Siebel forecasting tables to the new Siebel Revenue table. Also in this directory is a set of DLL files used by the data migration utility:








    When you have located these files and made sure that they are available for data migration, clean up your existing data.

  2. If necessary, perform some data cleanup on your old Siebel database. Specifically, check for and remove duplicate periods from the Periods table, if they exist.

    To check for duplicate periods, manually review the Periods view in your Siebel application, or run the following SQL statement:

    select t1.row_id || ' CONFLICTS WITH ' || t2.row_id ||
        ' (' || t1.period_cd || ',' || t1.start_dt || ')'
        from s_period t1, s_period t2
        where t1.period_cd = t2.period_cd
        and t1.start_dt = t2.start_dt
        and t1.row_id <> t2.row_id

    If you do have duplicate periods, and you find that they have been used in creating old Siebel forecasts, work with Oracle to address this issue before proceeding to the next step.

  3. At the command prompt, enable logging using the following commands:

    set SIEBEL_LOG_EVENTS=errors
    set ForecastUpgdEvent=errors

    To log all events instead of just errors, set each of the preceding variables to All instead of errors.

  4. To run the data migration, use fcstcnvrt.exe. The syntax for this command is:

    fcstcnvrt/u username /p password /d datasource /m masterForecast /date date [/c cfgFile] [/l language] [/postn postn] [/login login] [/sspec searchSpec] [/r revision] [/submitted [/Opportunity [/OpportunityProduct [/OpptyProduct [/NP] [/Period period] [/UseStartDate] [/Desc description]



    The following table describes each of these:


    /u username
    /p password

    Required. System Administrator's username and password.

    These are the same username and password that you use to log on to the Siebel server database.

    /d datasource

    Required. The name of the datasource.

    /c cfgFile

    The name of the configuration file.

    /l language

    The language being used.

    /m masterForecast
    /date date

    Required. Specify which forecasts to upgrade, using masterForecast and date as search specifications.

    1. masterForecast must be the name of a valid master forecast.

    2. date must be a valid date. The format for the date field is: MM/DD/YYYY. For example, 01/05/2007.

    /postn postn

    Specifies a position to upgrade.

    To specify more than one position, use /sspec

    /postn takes priority over /login

    /login login

    Specifies a login to upgrade.

    Applied in conjunction with other search specifications.

    /sspec searchSpec

    Limits the forecast records by search specification.

    searchSpec must be a valid search specification for a personal forecast.

    /r revision

    Limits the forecast records by revision.

    revision can be a valid number, or one of {Earliest|Latest}.


    Limits the forecast records to those that have been submitted.



    Specifies the business component to upgrade.

    1. Only the specified business components are upgraded.

    2. You can upgrade a child business component without upgrading its parent. For example, Opportunity Product without Opportunity.


    Indicates whether to upgrade the nonprimary counterpart of the specified business component (for example, opportunity personal forecast).

    The primary business component must be specified for the nonprimary business component to be upgraded.

    /Period period
    /Desc Description

    Specify how to create Revenues.

    1. period must be a valid period type, for example, Month or Year.

    2. If /UseStartDate is specified, the revenues are created using the start date of the period in which they fall. Otherwise, the default is the end date.

    3. If /Desc is specified, the revenues are created with description as their description.


    Lists the parameters described here.


  5. The data migration utility takes a few minutes to run. Some messages can appear while the upgrade is running. For example, sometimes messages similar to the following appear:

       -> "Upgrading forecast for CCONWAY Revision 1.. Success".
       -> "Upgrading forecast for CCONWAY Revision 2.. Failure".
       -> "*******Upgrade complete**************"
       -> "Errors were encountered. Please see the logfile in d:\log\siebel.log for
             more details"

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