Siebel Forecasting Guide > Forecasting Prerequisites > About Forecasting System Preferences >

Forecast: Use Server System Preference

The value of the Forecast: Use Server system preference determines whether forecasts are generated on a separate Siebel component in the background as a batch job, or whether they are generated locally. This allows the client to work while the forecast is generated. The effect of this system preference varies for the different types of Siebel client as follows:

  • Mobile clients connected to a local database. The system preference is not applicable.
  • Mobile clients connected to the server. For these clients, the system preference determines whether the forecast is run on the Siebel Server. By default, it is set to FALSE. If set to TRUE, you can run forecasts on the server instead of the client when your mobile users are operating in a connected mode.
  • Web Clients. For these clients, the forecast is always generated on the Siebel Server, but the system preference determines whether the forecast is executed on the connected component, that is, the Callcenter OM, or on the Forecast OM:
    • If you set the system preference to False, the forecast is calculated on the Callcenter OM, and therefore the client has to wait until the OM is finished.
    • If you set the preference to True, the forecast is calculated on the Forecast OM and therefore the client can continue working as the job runs in the background as a batch job.

Before changing this setting, make sure that you provide the correct information in the configuration (.cfg) files on each client computer. In the ServerDataSrc section, make sure that you provide the correct settings for the GatewayAddress, EnterpriseServer, and RequestServer.

Also make sure that the Forecast Service Manager server component is enabled on enough application servers (at least one) to handle the amount of people who forecast. The Forecast Service Manager server component is a batch mode server component used to submit forecasts to the server when Forecast: Use Server Task system preference is enabled, when forecasts are not running on a local database, and when the user is either a manager or the view mode is other than My. The Forecast Service Manager server component allows users to create forecasts on the server in the background. In general it is a good idea to enable this server component. One reason not to enable it is if your forecasts are very small and can be done while a user waits. As such, if your organization is creating corporate snapshots, or forecasts with details, the server component must be enabled.

NOTE:  If you use Resonate, do not specify the RequestServer parameter.

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