Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide > Creating Source Code and Vendor Profiles > Setting Up Vendor Profiles >

Vendor Tasks

When you start a marketing campaign, the generated output list is sent to the specified vendor using the vendor's preferred distribution method and communications protocol (File Transfer Protocol, email, and so on).

Before creating a vendor record, make sure the following tasks have been performed:

  • Create Export List Formats. Determine what format the vendor prefers for the generated distribution lists. For example, does the vendor want the list to contain a header or does the vendor prefer ASCII (default) or fixed-width output? Then, create an output file layout tailored to the vendor's preferences.

    You are asked to provide the default export list format when creating the vendor profile. For more information, see Oracle Marketing Segmentation Guide.

  • Determine Distribution Method and Create Distribution Profile. As you are creating the vendor record, you must select a distribution method and a distribution (communications) profile for the method. Set up distribution profiles that reflect each vendor's requirements.

    For example, if your vendor prefers to receive list files using File Transfer Protocol (FTP), you would set up a communications profile for that vendor containing information about HostName, IP Address, Password, and so on. Communications profiles are set up using the Communications Administration screen's Communications Drivers and Profiles view.

    If the list files are sent to the vendor attached to email, set up a communications profile for email, and verify that the vendor contact has provided an email address. For more details, see Defining Distribution Profiles for Vendors.

    If someone in your marketing department receives the distribution list, rather than an outside vendor, a vendor record and communications profile that includes the team member's email address must be set up.

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