Siebel Marketing User Guide > Planning and Designing Marketing Campaigns > Roadmap for Setting Up Campaigns >

Allocating Segments, Segment Trees, and Lists to Offer Treatments

A single campaign can be used to target multiple segments and distribute multiple offer treatments. You can allocate segments, segment trees and internal lists to offer treatments within a single campaign using the Allocation view.

This task is a step in Roadmap for Setting Up Campaigns.

The following procedure shows how to allocate segments to offer treatments.

To allocate segments, segment trees, and lists to offer treatments

  1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.
  2. In the Campaigns list, click the campaign Name.
  3. From the Campaign form, click the Design tab.
  4. In the Design link bar, click Allocation.
  5. Click Add Segment, Add Segment Tree, or Add List to add a predefined segment, segment tree, or list.

    NOTE:  If you select more than one treatment for the same segment or list, then the contacts or prospects are inserted into the campaign history one time for each treatment resulting in multiple entries.

  6. In the dynamically added columns for each treatment, specify the percentage or absolute count of the target segment for the treatment.

    The following table describes some of the fields in the allocation applet.


    Control group %

    Flag a control group for later analysis. This value is calculated on top of the counts in other treatment columns. For example, suppose you have a segment that includes a net count of 100,000, an email treatment of 25,000, and a direct mail treatment of 40,000, with a control group of 20%. The control group of 13,000 contacts would be added to the campaign history table along with the 52,000 targeted contacts.

    % Allocation

    Indicates that allocation is a percentage rather than an absolute count. If unchecked, then you must assign absolute values in the columns for each treatment.

    Total Cost

    The total cost of the treatment for the number of people targeted for the treatment row.

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