Siebel Marketing User Guide > Planning and Designing Marketing Campaigns > Testing Campaigns >

Testing Campaigns That Have Email and Fax Treatments

Test Treatment sends you samples of email or fax treatments associated with a particular campaign. Before testing email treatments, make sure you complete the following tasks:

  • Make sure the treatment is active. The date in the Activation Date field for the email treatment must have arrived, and the date in the Expiration Date field must be current or in the future for the Test Treatment command to be enabled.
  • Associate the treatment with a campaign. Associate the treatment with an active campaign. For more information, see Associating Offers and Segments with Campaigns.

The following procedure shows how to test email and fax campaign treatments.

To test email and fax campaign treatments

  1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.
  2. In the Campaigns list, click the campaign name.
  3. Click the Design view tab.
  4. In the Design link bar, click Offers.
  5. In the Treatments list, select an email treatment.
  6. Click the Edit Email tab and manually enter the required information for the values in the merge fields.
  7. Click the Treatment Details tab.
  8. Click the menu button, and choose Test Treatment.
  9. For email treatments, choose a merge field from the Merge Fields list.
  10. For fax treatments, choose from the list of available team members in the Campaign Team dialog box.
  11. Verify the email treatment has been sent to the specified email address.
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