Siebel Marketing User Guide > Setting Up and Using Web Marketing >

Extending Survey Field Mapping

The Map to Columns pick list in the Survey Questions view designates the business component fields that a survey answer will populate. You can extend the number of columns available in this list of values with the following procedures.

These are the high-level steps for extending survey field mapping:

  1. Extend the list of values to add more values.
  2. Create an .xsd file with new columns.
  3. Generate XML beans for the .xsd.
  4. Create a new mapping using XML that has these new columns.
  5. Specify the Mapping ID in the file.

Extending Survey Field Mapping

The following procedure shows how to extend survey field mapping.

To extend survey field mapping

  1. Navigate to Administration-Data screen, then the List of Values view, and add a new column of type MKTG_MAP_TO_COL (for example, Income).
  2. Create an .xml file that contains the newly added LOV.
  3. Create a new import with Source Type as XML File and the File Name as the newly created .xml file (for example, resp3.xml). Navigate to the Administration - Marketing screen, then the Import view. Choose the Main Object as type Response.
  4. For the import job, go to Data Mapping and click Load Mapping to see all the fields from the .xml file that will be imported. For each column, map to the corresponding Input Field and Input Object from the Marketing server. (For example, for Income, the Input field is Income and the Input Object is Contact.)
  5. Save, activate, and use the Import ID as the value of SIEBEL_MAPPINGID in the file.
  6. Restart the Web Survey Daemon.
  7. Create a survey with a question mapped to the newly added column.
  8. Create a landing site with the newly created survey and activate it.

Editing and Compiling the .xsd File

The following procedure shows how to edit and compile the .xsd file for extending survey field mapping.

To edit and compile the .xsd file

  1. Add the new column value (for example, Income) to websurveys\WEB_INF\classes\ schemaorg_apache_xmlbeans\src\surveyResponse.xsd under surveyResponse. For example, add this entry for the new column value:

    <xsd:element name="Income" type="xsdLocal2:string30" minOccurs="0" />

  2. Recompile the modified surveyResponse.xsd using the command:

    $XMLBEANS_HOME\bin\scomp -src src -d bin -out surveyResponse.jar -compiler C:\Sun\SDK\jdk\bin\javac surveyResponse.xsd

    NOTE:  The JDK directory must be included in the path.

    CAUTION:  To avoid runtime errors, use compatible versions of the JDK and XMLBeans.

    For information on supported versions of software, see the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support.

  3. Copy the newly created surveyResponse.jar file into the websurveys\WEB_INF\lib directory.
  4. Take a survey from the newly created landing site and confirm that the responses are being imported to the Siebel Web server.

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