Siebel Order Management Guide > Integrating Order Management with Oracle ATG Web Commerce > Process of Exporting Records to Oracle ATG Web Commerce >

Creating a Web Content Export Job Detail for Siebel Price Lists

You can include any price list in an export job without any limitations that are based on data values.

The following best practices are recommended for exporting catalogs:

  • Try to aggregate related commerce data by creating Web content export job details for price lists and for corresponding products and catalogs that all are line items of one separate export contents job.
  • Create export jobs at the appropriate level of granularity. For example, if many line items in a price list have been modified, then export the price list. If only a few line items in a price list have been modified, then export just those line items.
  • Make sure the resulting set of price lists is of reasonable size, because larger record sets can negatively impact performance. It is best to build jobs with a few hundred records or less.

You can create an export job using the Update Commerce App button or menu option on the following views of the Administration - Pricing screen:

  • Price Lists view (button)
  • More Info view (button)
  • Price List Line Items view (button)
  • Service Pricing view (button)
  • Volume Discounts view (button)
  • Volume Discount Line Items view (menu option)

The following procedure uses the Price List view as an example, but you can also perform the same task in the other views.

NOTE:  Adding a price list to a job does not automatically add the Product records of the price list to the job. An administrator must manually add the products of the price list to the job.

To create a Web content export job detail for Siebel price lists

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Pricing screen, then the Price Lists view.
  2. Query for the price lists that you want.
  3. Select or make a multiple selection of the records of the price lists that you want.
  4. Click Update Commerce App.
  5. (Optional) Complete the following check boxes in the Update Commerce App dialog box:
    • Use Effective Date Of. If you enter a date in this field, then Price List Line Item records are included in the Export Job only if they are valid on this date. For a line item to be included, the date in this field must be between the Start and End Effective Date of both the Price List and Price List Line Item
    • Include Volume Discounts. If this check box is selected, then the Siebel application checks the Price List Line Item records of selected price lists to find any associated Volume Discount records and creates an Export Job Detail record for each Volume Discount record.
  6. In the dialog box, click Export.
  7. Review the message that indicates the number of records that have been sent for export.
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