Siebel Order Management Guide > Integrating Order Management with Oracle ATG Web Commerce > Setup Tasks for Integrating Siebel Business Applications with Oracle ATG Web Commerce >

Enabling Cascading Deletions of Web Content Export Job Details

The system preference, SiebCommIntPhysicalDeletes, determines whether there is a cascading deletion of related export job details when the reference record (Catalog or Category record) is physically deleted from the business component. The default value of this system preference is N, and you must change it to enable cascading deletions.

If this system preference is set to Y, then all Web commerce export details of the open export job that are of type Category or Category Product are physically deleted from the job when the reference record is deleted. The deletion of the child records occurs in a cascade format where the parent field is set to object name.

To enable cascading deletions of Web content export job details

  • Set the system preference SiebCommIntPhysicalDeletes to Y.
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