Siebel Order Management Guide > Product Data Service and Import Export API Reference > ISS Authoring Import Export Business Service Reference >

ImportVOD Method

This method:

  • Decomposes the content of the input argument's PropSet into individual objects that are used as source Sub-Propsets.
  • Locates appropriate VOD in the target database.
  • Adjusts some values in source Sub-Propsets.
  • Locks the object and overwrites Workspace version content with data supplied in the Sub-Propsets.
  • Adds successfully imported object references to the JWS project content specified in the input arguments, which is locked for further editing by the user who initiated this import operation.

In the default mode, object resolution is performed by S_VOD.OBJECT_NUM (object identifier) matching (for example, field VOD Object Num of VOD ImpExp BC element), representing a stable Integration ID, persistent across different databases.

CAUTION:  The ImportVOD method treats VODs that are manually created on two databases as different objects, even if their VOD Names match. To avoid errors, read Modeling Data Before Using ISS Import Export Authoring Service.

In rare cases, when a one-time import is required, importing the full structure might be performed in a special mode where objects and their references are resolved by names, instead of IDs. This name-based import can be used for objects created in versions earlier than Siebel CRM 7.8. In this mode, the input property-set must contain a full structure. All VODs referenced any VOD in the property set must be present. For VODs, already present in the target database, the source OBJECT_NUMs and their references are replaced with target values. For new objects, the source OBJECT_NUMs are preserved. If two VODs have the same OBJECT_NUMs, then the application treats this conflict as an unresolvable conflict. The resulting imported objects are different objects and will not map to each other in the standard scenario.


ISS Import Export Authoring Service.InvokeMethod("ImportVOD", Input Arguments,Output Arguments);





Input Arguments


Property set with the input parameters containing VOD structures

Output Arguments


Contains a description of the performed actions. In case of conflicts, it contains a report string in the Warning property.

Property set input arguments must have the same structure as the property set output arguments described in ExportVOD Method.

Properties of Input Arguments




Indicates that the data is imported from a Joint Workspace Project.


JWS project Name

Name of JWS Project to be used for import.

NOTE:  A new JWS project of this name must have been created in Administration - Products, Workspace Projects view.


Y or N

Forbid VOD and Product name change in target database.


Default = N

NOTE:  If you need to change the product name, as part of the product import, then this parameter must be set to Y.


Y or N

Forces strict preservation of source VOD and Product names.


Default = N


Y or N

Forces the process to end immediately after the initial analysis of input property set is done to examine the potential problems of VOD mapping.


Default = N

NOTE:  If ReportOnly = Y is one of the input arguments, then the data is not committed to the database. Only an analysis of the export file is done for possible conflicts. The log file in this case will always have Import Status = Aborted. This input argument is used to validate the file being imported and reports the possible conflicts without doing an import.


Y or N

Triggers 7.7 style import


Default = N

NOTE:  In order to trigger Name-Based Import, you must set the input argument UseNameAsKeys = Y.



Y or N

Allows automatic conflict resolution if possible.


Default = N

NOTE:  If you are doing a Name-Based Import (UseNamesAsKeys=Y), then you must also set input argument AutoProceed=Y.

Modifying Defaults

The following default settings can be modified through repository changes:

  • NoTargNameChange. The default is set to Y if the business service ISS Authoring Import Export Service has a User Property VOD_NO_TRG_NAME_CHANGE = TRUE, or if Applet ISS VOD Import Popup Applet has User Property NoTargNameChange = Y or N. The applet user property overrides the business service user property.
  • NoSrcNameChange. The default is set to Y if the business service ISS Authoring Import Export Service has a User Property VOD_NO_SRC_NAME_CHANGE = TRUE, or if Applet ISS VOD Import Popup Applet has User Property NoSrcNameChange = Y or N. The applet user property overrides the business service user property.
  • AutoProceed. The default is set to Y or N if the Applet ISS VOD Import Popup Applet has a User Property AutoProceed = Y or N.
  • ReportOnly. The default is set to Y or N if the Applet ISS VOD Import Popup Applet has a User Property ReportOnly = Y or N.
Conflict Resolutions

By default, conflicting records are not imported. If you want to resolve conflicts automatically, you must set one of the following parameters:

  • Set the property AutoProceed of the input arguments to the ImportVOD method to Y.
  • Set User Property AutoProceed of the Applet ISS VOD Import Popup Applet to Y.

By default, both of these parameters are set to N. You must set one or the other to Y to enable automatic conflict resolution.

Automatic conflict resolution is done in the following way:

  • For same Object Num, the target or source VOD's Name wins depending on the parameters, if possible.
  • For different Object Num, and same Name (VOD name or Product Name), the target name remains unchanged. A new object name is appended with Object Num in parenthesis, if possible.

Problems are reported, in string format, in the output parameter of the PropSet Warning.

Properties of Output Argument




Success or all encountered problems.

(List of problems might be incomplete if the method exited with fatal error.)

One child element of type Object.




Used by Application Deployment Manager (ADM).

For more information, see Siebel Application Deployment Manager Guide.


name of JWS

Used by Application Deployment Manager (ADM).

For more information, see Siebel Application Deployment Manager Guide.

Import Status

Success, Aborted, Partial, or Failed

Overall status of JWS import.



This error message is present only in case of catastrophic error (if Imp.Status == Failed)

The set of elements of the type determined by MLOV ISS_VOD_TYPE, with each element corresponding to each individual VOD from the input arguments.


VOD Type


The type of the object

Src VOD Object Num

Persistent id

Source integration ID

Src VOD Name

VOD name

Source VOD Name

Src Product Name

Product name

Source product name (only for products)

Src Org Name

Organization name

Source organization name (only for products)

Src Vendor Name

Vvendor name

Source vendor name (only for products)

Trg VOD Object Num

Persistent id

Target integration ID

Trg VOD Name

VOD name

Target VOD Name

Trg Product Name

Product name

Target product name (only for products)

Trg Org Name

Organization name

Target organization name (only for products)

Trg Vendor Name

Vendor name

Target vendor name (only for products)

Res VOD Object Num

Persistent id

Resulting integration ID

Res VOD Name

VOD name

Target VOD Name

Res Product Name

Product name

Resulting product name (only for products)

Res Org Name

Organization name

Resulting organization name (only for products)

Res Vendor Name

Vendor name

Resulting vendor name (only for products)

UK Conflict Status

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6

Internal conflict code used in UK conflict

Conflict Type

Resolvable or Unesolvable

Specifies whether the conflict can be resolved using automatic conflict resolution


Part of a global warning string related to this object

Warning message for this object (if a one exists)

Import Status

Failed or Success

The import status of this object

Error Conditions

Might return generic error codes from Object Manager, from EAI, or from service. These codes are mainly about the input format, for example, that a parameter is missing.

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