Siebel Order Management Guide > Creating a Quote or Sales Order > Common Tasks for Creating Quotes and Sales Orders >

Adding Shipping Information

End users specify the following shipping information for a quote or order:

  • Ship-to information, including account name, contact name, and address.
  • Shipping method, terms, and carrier, which are factor in shipment cost.
  • Whether all the items must be shipped at the same time (Shipping Complete).
  • Whether all the items must be delivered at one time (Single Delivery).

When working with a quote, the user specifies one shipping address for the entire quote. When working with an order, the user can specify different shipping addresses for individual line items.

When working with an order, after entering the necessary information, the user clicks Create Shipment to generate shipment records. The application creates one shipment record for line items that have the same values in the following fields: Request Delivery Date, Ship-To Address, Source (Warehouse), Priority, Shipment Method, Carrier.

This task is part of the Common Tasks for Creating Quotes and Sales Orders.

To add shipping information to an order

  1. Navigate to the quote or order with which you want to work.
  2. Click the Shipping view tab.

    The account, site, contact, and address are automatically populated using the account information.

  3. Change the default shipping information, if necessary, and fill in the Shipping form. Some fields are described in the following table.

    Shipping Method

    Required. Select the method by which products must be shipped.

    Shipment Terms

    Required. Select the terms for shipment.


    Required. Select the carrier to be used for shipping.

    Ship Complete

    Select this check box to indicate that all items in the order must be shipped together.

Use the following procedure to specify different ship-to addresses for different line items in an order.

To specify different ship-to addresses for different line items in an order

  1. Navigate to the quote or order with which you want to work.
  2. Click the Shipping view tab.
  3. Under the Shipping view tab, click the Line Items view tab.

    The Shipping applet is now a list of all the line items, instead of a form with just one shipping address for the order.

  4. In the Shipping list, for any line item which you want to have a different shipping address, enter a name, address, shipping method and carrier.
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