Siebel Order Management Guide > Working with Quotes >

Adding Line Item Fields to the Change History

You can add fields to the line item change history by completing the steps of the following procedure.

To add a line item field to the change history

  1. Start Siebel Tools.
  2. In the S_QUOTE_ITEM_OM table, create a column for the previous value you want to display.
  3. In the Quote Item business component, create a field based on the column you added.

    You can, for example, give this field the display name Previous.

  4. Add the new Previous field to the Quote Item Modify History List Applet and the Quote Detail Line Item Modify Applet.
  5. In the SIS OM PMT Service user properties, add a Delta Old Field user property for the new field.
  6. Follow the standard process to carry the field from Quotes to Orders when Asset Based Ordering is enabled by performing the following steps:
    1. Add the fields in the business components on which the SIS OM Quote.Line Item and SIS OM Order.Line Item integration components are based. These business components are MACD Quote Item and MACD Order Entry - Line Items, respectively.
    2. Add a new user property mapping these integration component fields in the SIS OM PMT Service business service.

      The new field appears in both the quote line item and order line item change histories.

  7. Compile the SRF file used by your Siebel Business Application.

For more information about adding objects in Siebel Tools, see the chapter on working with objects in Using Siebel Tools.

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