Siebel Order Management Guide > Integrating Order Management with Third-Party Product Availability Applications > Process of Setting Up Third-Party Product Availability Applications >

Preventing Rollup of Availability Summary Data

Product availability information is displayed for:

  • The entire quote or order
  • The quote or order line items
  • The scheduled line items

The following information is preconfigured to roll up:

  • Available status, date, and quantity are rolled up from the promised lines to the quote or order lines.
  • Available status and date are rolled up from the quote or order lines to the quote or order header.

If your availability fulfillment engine only returns promised schedule lines and does not roll up this data to the line or the header, then the preconfigured behavior will provide you with a rollup of the data.

However, if your fulfillment engine already calculates this rollup, or if you do not want to roll up these fields, then you may want to turn off this behavior.

Following are some examples of the preconfigured rollup of availability information:

  • Dates. The latest date is rolled up at the parent level. For example, if line 1 has an available date of 7/15/04 and line 2 has an available date of 7/23/04, then the available date for the order is set to 7/23/04.
  • Status. If all lines have an ATP status of Available, then the order also has a status of Available. However, if one of the lines has a different status, then the order status is kept blank.
  • Quantity. If Schedule line 1 has an availability quantity of 10, Schedule line 2 has an available quantity of 20, and both lines have the same ATP status of Available, then the quantity rolled up is the sum of both quantities (30).

NOTE:  Rollup only occurs on quantity and date when the status of the promised line or the status of the line item is Available or Reserved.

This task is a step in Process of Setting Up Third-Party Product Availability Applications.

To prevent rollup availability summary date

  1. In Siebel Tools, select the ATP business service.
  2. Select Business Service User Prop.
  3. Select the Rollup Availability user property, and change the value from Y to N.
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