Siebel Order Management Guide > Integrating Order Management with Third-Party Taxation Applications > Customizing Taxware Integration >

Passing Data from Fields Not in the Siebel Database

There are three ways to pass data from fields that do not exist in the Siebel database:

  • Add the field to the database, add it to the necessary integration object, and then update the data map.
  • Set an existing business service user property in the Tax Calculator business service, or create a new one, with a static value for all transactions. These values are read when the business service is initialized.

    Any data passed dynamically using the integration objects will overwrite the value in the business service user property for that particular transaction.

  • Set a value for an integration object field by setting the value in the data map.

    You cannot set a default value for an integration object user property because the Tax Calculator business service does not look for this value at initialization.

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